Saturday, October 8, 2022

Musim Panas di Los Angeles - 3

 Ketika keluar dari kamar Jeanne, aku mencium wangi makanan. Sepertinya Jeanne membuat nasi goreng dan oseng-oseng ayam dan udang dengan sayuran. Perutku dengan kurang ajarnya berkeruyuk. Kulihat Jeanne sibuk menyiapkan makanan dan menata meja makan. Kuhampiri dia dan kupeluk dari belakang. Kucium balik telinganya sambil tanganku dengan nakalnya meraba dadanya.

"Do you need help, Sweety?" bisikku pada telinganya.
Jeanne menepiskan tanganku dan membalikkan badannya.
"No thanks Honey. Just wait there, watch TV or something. It'll be a moment and not too long."
Aku berjalan menuju baby grand piano yang ada di sudut ruangan. Kumatikan suara TV yang sedang menyiarkan berita CNN melalui remote control.
"Sweety.. this one is for you!" kataku sambil mulai memainkan tuts-tuts piano.
Aku memainkan sebuah lagu melalui denting piano. Malam itu (atau lebih tepatnya pagi dini hari) kulewati dengan makan bersama Jeanne (masakannya enak lho!) dan aku menginap di apartemennya.
Pagi itu aku bangun dengan pikiran yang berkecamuk. Jeanne masih tidur di dekapanku. Aku bisa merasakan hembusan napas halusnya. Berbagai macam perasaan silih berganti menerpaku. Aku merasa bahagia, sedih, senang, susah, gembira, dan entah apa lagi. Sukar sekali untuk bisa mengatakannya. Pikiranku melayang ke masa laluku.
Aku dilahirkan tahun 1969, anak tertua dari 2 bersaudara. Adikku, perempuan, lahir 3 tahun kemudian setelah aku (dia sudah menikah dan berputra seorang sekarang). Ayahku adalah seorang pegawai negeri. Aku benci ayahku! Dia bukanlah seorang bisa dijadikan contoh dan dibanggakan oleh anak-anaknya. Ayahku sering sekali memarahi ibuku di depan anak-anaknya. Bahkan terkadang tak segan-segan menempeleng ibuku! Tak jarang pula aku harus menerima hajaran dari ayahku kalau aku berusaha melindungi ibuku. Tapi apa dayaku, waktu itu aku masih kecil. Di kantornya, ayahku pun bukan orang yang dihormati. Tentu saja orang akan "hormat" di depan dia. Dia adalah seorang koruptor dan tukang main perempuan! Aku pun sebetulnya malu untuk menceritakan tentang dia.
Makanya, tak heran apabila aku tumbuh menjadi anak jalanan. Aku tumbuh menjadi anak yang nakal. Sangat nakal! Walaupun demikian, aku tetap punya prinsip. Aku berprinsip untuk tidak "melukai" diriku sendiri. Itu sebabnya aku tidak merokok, tidak minum minuman keras dan tidak berurusan dengan narkotik (walaupun nantinya aku menjadi salah seorang pengedar). Beberapa kali ayahku harus "menebusku" di kantor polisi atas tingkah lakuku yang sudah termasuk tindakan kriminal.
Akhirnya saat UMPTN tiba. Aku ingat akan kata-kata ibuku yang memintaku untuk belajar sungguh-sungguh, demi diriku sendiri dan demi ibuku. Aku turuti kata-kata ibuku. Tuhan memang memberiku otak yang encer. Aku diterima di perguruan negeri paling bergengsi di Indonesia. Berangkatlah aku ke Bandung.
Di kota ini aku tambah liar, bagaikan kuda yang lepas dari ikatan. Bayangkan, tidak ada yang perduli, kost dan hidup sendiri, punya banyak uang (yang aku tahu itu adalah uang haram hasil korupsi ayahku), mau apa lagi? Di kota ini pertama kali aku kehilangan keperjakaanku oleh seorang gadis manis yang tadinya cuma iseng aku pacari (dan dia aku perawani). Namanya Yolanda. Aku panggil dia Yo, saat itu dia kuliah di perguruan negeri lain yang juga ada di Bandung. Aku kenal dia pertama kali waktu aku jalan-jalan di Cihampelas. Setelah berkenalan, aku sering menelepon dia. Kami banyak ngobrol dan aku semakin tertarik dengan dia (walaupun dengan niat cuma iseng). Yo mempunyai darah Belanda dari ibunya. Dia berambut panjang, berkulit kuning langsat dan bermata coklat. Tidak terlalu tinggi, hanya rata-rata tinggi perempuan Indonesia.
Setelah sekitar 2-3 bulan, aku "jadian" dengan Yo. Aku tahu, Yo sangat mencintaiku. Suatu hari, Yo datang ke tempat kost-ku di daerah Bukit Dago. Dia datang sambil menangis (karena suatu hal yang membuatnya demikian). Aku mencoba untuk menghiburnya, memberikan dukungan dan menyatakan bahwa ada orang yang mencintainya. Entah siapa yang memulai duluan, akhirnya kami terlibat dalam suatu ciuman yang mesra, hangat dan sangat intim. Yo mendesah. Mungkin saat itu situasi sangat mendukung. Aku menggerayangi tubuh Yo, dan dia tidak menolak. Selama ini kami belum pernah berciuman seperti saat itu. Tanganku menyusup ke bajunya setelah kancing-kancingnya aku lepaskan. Bra yang dikenakan Yo berwarna krem, berukuran 34B. Kuraba dan kuremas perlahan buah dada Yo yang kanan. Dia mengerang. Mulut kami masih berciuman. Entah bagaimana ceritanya, akhirnya aku berhasil melepaskan "atribut" atas Yo, sehingga Yo telanjang dada. Kucium buah dada Yo yang putingnya berwarna coklat muda.
Kukulum dan kuhisap putingnya sambil kuremas-remas dengan tanganku. Waktu itu aku sangat berdebar-debar dengan pikiran yang tidak karuan. Banyak pertanyaan silih berganti di kepalaku, tapi tidak kuperdulikan. Aku pikir, kapan lagi? Yo mendesis dan mengerang saat buah dadanya aku "kerjai". Akhirnya, kami berdua sama-sama telanjang bulat. Bagiku, inilah pertama kalinya aku melihat tubuh mulus seorang perempuan secara nyata. Selama ini aku hanya mengetahuinya dari buku, majalah, atau film. Gerbang kewanitaan Yo ditumbuhi rambut-rambut halus yang lebat sekali dan ia memiliki gundukan mons pubis yang membukit. Pinggulnya benar-benar seperti "bodi gitar". Yo terbelalak melihat batang kelelakianku yang tegak tegang dan besar mengacung dan berdenyut-denyut. Dia menarik selimutku dan menutupi tubuh telanjangnya. Badannya bagus dan mulus! Aku memeluknya.
"Frank.. aku pengin, tapi aku takut!" kata Yo.
"Aku sayang kamu Yo.. Aku juga pengin. Pelan-pelan ya.."
"Aku pengin memberikan ini buatmu, Frank!"
Pelan-pelan, kucumbu Yo dan kurasakan gerbang kewanitaannya sudah sangat basah ketika jari-jari tanganku bermain di sana. Kuarahkan batang kelelakianku ke arah gerbang kewanitaan Yo. Yo membuka pahanya. Perlahan kumasukkan batang kemaluanku ke liang kemaluan Yo. Tidak berhasil! Susah sekali! Seret dan meleset. Aku mencoba beberapa kali. Setelah kupikir sudah pas pada lubangnya, aku tusukkan batang kemaluanku ke dalam liang kemaluan Yo. Yo memekik dan menangis di pelukanku. Kurasakan ada cairan hangat mengalir di batang kemaluanku. Kugoyang-goyangkan pantatku maju-mundur (waktu itu pengetahuanku tentang seks sangatlah minim, hanya lewat majalah dan video porno) seperti yang kulihat di film porno. Yo memelukku semakin erat dan air matanya mengalir. "Frank.. Sakit! Sakit sekali!" katanya di antara sesenggukannya.
Kukecup Yo dan kucabut batang kemaluanku dari liang kemaluannya. Aku melihat batang kemaluanku "berdarah" dan beberapa bercak darah menetes ke sprei tempat tidurku. Darah perawan Yo! Yo dengan tertatih-tatih bangun dan menuju ke kamar mandiku. Dia melap liang kemaluannya dengan tissue. Kuhampiri dia dan kupeluk dia. Kucium. Hari itu aku "tuntas"-kan dengan "self-service" di kamar mandi karena aku tidak tega melihat Yo kesakitan. Akhirnya kami berdua tidur telanjang berpelukan setelah kuganti sepreiku.
Aku dan Yo akhirnya bisa melakukan hubungan seks dengan nyaman dan kami berdua bisa menikmatinya setelah kami melakukan yang ke-3 atau ke-4 kalinya (aku lupa). Akhirnya aku jadi sangat mencintai Yo dan dia juga demikian. Dia sangat sabar dan dia pula yang membuatku untuk mulai "bertobat" dari segala kenakalanku. Aku berubah karena Yo.
Hingga suatu hari, aku mendengar kabar yang sangat mengejutkan dan membuat tubuhku lemas dan aku sempat mengalami pukulan yang telak. Yo meninggal dunia karena kecelakaan. Dan yang membuatku semakin menyesal adalah aku tidak sempat melihat jenazahnya, karena telah dikuburkan di sebuah pemakaman umum di Jakarta. Aku mendengar kabar ini sepulangku dari latihan survivalku selama seminggu. Begitu aku mendengar kabar ini dan aku sadar dari rasa terkejutku, aku segera berangkat ke Jakarta dengan motorku dan kularikan motorku dengan kecepatan sangat tinggi. Bayangkan, saat itu Bandung-Jakarta kutempuh hanya dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam! Baru kuketahui dari keluarganya bahwa Yo telah dimakamkan. Aku segera menuju makamnya yang masih basah dan penuh dengan taburan bunga. Aku menangis di sana hingga tak terasa aku tertidur dan dibangunkan oleh orangtua penjaga makam.
"What's the matter, Honey..?" tiba-tiba pertanyaan Jeanne mengagetkan aku dan menyadarkanku pada situasiku yang sekarang. Jeanne memandangku dengan penuh tanda tanya dan ia mengusap dadaku, kemudian mencium dadaku. Kucium kening Jeanne dan aku menarik napas panjang. "Why are you crying..?" Jeanne mengusap setetes air mata yang menetes dari mataku saat bertanya kepadaku. Aku tersenyum padanya. "I just have a feeling about how happy I am now!" kataku sambil mengecup kening Jeanne. Maafkan aku Yo, kataku dalam hati. Aku jatuh cinta pada perempuan ini. Semoga kamu berbahagia di alam sana, batinku.
"I'm still tired, Frank. I want to continue my sleep," kata Jeanne, dan dia memelukku semakin erat. Kuelus rambutnya. "It's all right, Baby.. Go back to sleep. I'm fine." Kulirik jam dinding di kamar Jeanne yang samar-samar kulihat menunjukkan sekitar pukul sepuluh pagi. Aku sendiri pun masih malas beranjak dari tempat tidur, lagipula hari ini adalah hari libur.
Kembali pikiranku melayang dan melamun. Setelah ditinggal oleh Yo untuk selamanya, aku sempat seperti orang linglung yang kehilangan semangat kira-kira selama 2-3 bulan. Orang yang menyadarkanku adalah kakak seperguruanku yang sangat perhatian dengan diriku. Dia mengetahui perubahan pada diriku. Akhirnya, dia berhasil meyakinkanku untuk "get over it" dan "get real" dengan situasiku. Katanya lagi, Yo akan sangat marah dan kecewa bila laki-laki yang dicintainya ternyata sangat lemah. Aku sempat marah padanya dan kutantang dia berkelahi. Tentu saja dia menolak, tapi kupaksa karena aku sudah mata gelap. Rupanya dia memang jagoan (biarpun dia kelihatan seperti biasa saja). Dengan mudah aku dikalahkannya dan aku dilumpuhkan hanya dengan 2 kali totokan 2 jarinya. Dia menasihatiku seperti dia menasihati adiknya. Aku sadar dan bisa mengerti. Dari dia aku belajar silat dengan giat dan tekun untuk mengisi hari-hariku di samping belajar lebih sungguh-sungguh pada pelajaranku di bangku kuliah.
Di tahun yang sama, petaka datang lagi. Ayahku menceraikan ibuku karena dia kawin lagi dengan perempuan lain. Aku sangat marah saat itu. Kudatangi ayahku di kantornya dan kuhajar dia hingga bibir dan hidungnya pecah berdarah. Sampai-sampai aku harus diamankan oleh para satpam kantor ayahku karena aku mengamuk.
Akhirnya aku dikirim oleh ibuku ke Amerika Serikat dengan biaya dari harta pembagian ayahku. Aku hanya dibiayai untuk semester pertama, selanjutnya, aku harus membiayai hidupku sendiri. Ibuku "menantang"-ku dan aku menerima tantangannya untuk bisa hidup dan survive di negeri orang. Setelah kutunjukkan kemampuanku pada semester pertama kuliah, akhirnya semester berikutnya aku mendapatkan beasiswa. Untuk hidup, aku bekerja apa saja dan di mana saja. Di negeri orang inilah aku mengenal arti hidup sesungguhnya. Karena keberuntunganku, aku diterima bekerja di sebuah perusahaan konsultan engineering. Dari situlah aku mulai menata hidupku dan bisa seperti sekarang.
Aku masih ingat pertama kali aku melihat Jeanne. Waktu itu aku lagi duduk-duduk di sebuah bangku putih panjang di Palm Court di UCLA setelah selesai kuliahku hari itu. Entah mengapa aku begitu tertarik dengan dia yang melenggang tepat di depanku. Baru kuketahui bahwa dia adalah seorang mahasiswi dari jurusanku juga.
Aku tersadar dari lamunanku saat Jeanne melepaskan pelukannya dan membalikkan badannya memunggungiku. Aku mendesah pelan, dan tersenyum sendiri. Kupeluk Jeanne dengan mesra dan kulanjutkan tidurku.

Musim Panas di Los Angeles - 2

 Aku terbangun saat kurasakan ada jari-jari halus meraba-raba dadaku dan ciuman di keningku. Jeanne telah lebih dahulu bangun dan dia membangunkanku. Kukecup bibirnya perlahan, kupagut dia, dan kami terlibat dalam sebuah "french kiss". Kuelus dan kuraba punggung putih mulus Jeanne sementara dia mengelus-elus rambutku.

"Frank, that was great!" bisik Jeanne di telingaku.
"Thank you so much. Where did you learn the secret?" sambung Jeanne.
"Sweetheart.." aku memberanikan diri memanggilnya "Sweetheart", dan dia tidak keberatan. Aku pikir, jadi deh sepertinya aku pacaran sama dia.
"Aku belum tahu cara taoist bercinta. Kenyataannya, aku mendengar itu sebagai teknik untuk mengatur qi saya menggunakan teknik yang sama yang digunakan taoist. Kalau kamu bisa sebarkan apa yang kamu sebut energi seksual sebagai penggantinya, maka kamu akan menambah qi kamu dan menumbuhkan ke dalam shen dan jin kamu," kataku menerangkan.
"Itu kenapa saya tidak merasakan secara lambat atau lemah setelah melakukan hubungan seksual. Saya dapat orgasme yang lebih tanpa ejakulasi sekali saja dan tetap melakukannya hubungan terus menerus. Saya dapat mengontrol ejakulasi saya," lanjutku.
"Oh, that's why I felt like I got a low electric shocked, felt tingle all over my body and a strange sensation when you got your orgasm."
"Well, that's also because I transferred my qi to circulate into your body, to rejuvenate and to mix your qi with my qi. It's a yin yang thing, you know."
Jeanne tersenyum dan mengecup bibirku. Gerbang kewanitaannya, entah sengaja entah tidak, menggeser batang kelelakianku.
"Sssh.. I know it, Honey.. I've read it from an ancient Chinese book. Now, relax and enjoy!"
Jeanne mulai menciumi sekujur tubuhku, menjilati dadaku dan menggelitiki putingku dengan lidahnya. Tangannya menjalari sekujur tubuhku dan meraba-raba batang kelelakianku, memainkannya, mengelus dan mengurutnya. Seketika batang kelelakianku bangun dari tidurnya. Kembali tegak tegang kaku. Jeanne tersenyum. Perlahan, disusurinya perut, pusar dan pinggangku dengan lidahnya. Aku merasakan geli-geli nikmat yang membuatku merinding. Kuusap-usap kepala Jeanne dengan penuh kelembutan. Kusisir rambutnya dengan jari-jariku dan sesekali kuraba-raba tengkuk dan balik telinganya.
Perlahan jilatan lidah Jeanne semakin turun ke arah selangkanganku. Jeanne menjilati paha kaki kananku bagian dalam, naik hingga ke lipat paha. Kemudian pindah ke paha kaki kiriku. Sama. Naik hingga lipat paha. Dengan jemari tangan kirinya yang halus, Jeanne memegangi batang kelelakianku, mendongakkannya, dan dia mulai menjilati daerah pangkal batang kelelakianku. Disusurinya batang kelelakianku dengan lidahnya hingga ke ujung topi bajanya (ya, aku memang disunat, demi kesehatan). Jeanne memutar-mutar ujung lidahnya ke arah lubang dan sekitarnya pada ujung batang kelelakianku. Rasanya luar biasa. Tangan kanannya menyusuri daerah ulu hati hingga pusarku (yang tercetak karena rajin sit up). Jeanne pandai sekali membuat diriku seperti melayang.
Dari ujung batang kelelakianku, Jeanne kembali menyusurinya hingga ke bawah, menjilat-jilat kantung "peluru" batang kelelakianku dengan sesekali mengecup dan agak menghisap kantung "peluru"-ku. Rasa aneh antara sakit, geli, dan enak menyergap otakku. Jeanne meneruskan jilatannya dengan cara menggeser, memutar dan menggelitiki pangkal kantung "peluru"-ku dengan lidahnya, terus hingga ke arah lubang pembuanganku. Dijilatinya lubang pembuanganku dengan cara memutar-mutar lidahnya. Rasa geli yang mengenakkan kembali menyergap otakku. Aku mendesah, mendesis. Rambut Jeanne agak kutarik dan kujambak.
"Jeanne.. It feels soo good!" desahku.
Jeanne memandangku dengan pandangan mata yang membuatku gemas. Ooh.. betapa cantiknya kamu Jeanne, pikirku. Perempuan cantik yang telanjang bulat di depanku dan sedang menjilati daerah paling privatku saat ini tiba-tiba berhenti melakukan jilatannya. Dia mendekati wajahku. Menciumku dengan mesra dan lembut bibirku. Lebih tepatnya, mengulum bibirku. Kemudian Jeanne membalikkan badannya dan membelakangiku, seperti posisi "69".
Jeanne memegangi batang kelelakianku dan mulai menghisap, mengulum dan menjilati batang kelelakianku. Kembali rasa geli dan nikmat menyerang kepalaku. Aku mencium wangi harum yang khas dari gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne yang terpampang menantang di depanku. Gerbangnya sudah mulai terbuka, berwarna merah muda dengan dihiasi rambut-rambut pubis yang halus dan dicukur rapi. Batang kelelakianku berdenyut-denyut di antara hisapan dan geseran lidah Jeanne.
Kupegangi dan kuelus pantat Jeanne dengan kedua tanganku. Kuarahkan gerbang kewanitaannya ke arah mulutku. Kujilati pinggiran gerbang kewanitaannya dan daerah sekitarnya. Jeanne mengerang di antara hisapan-hisapannya pada batang kelelakianku. Kumainkan lidahku pada gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne yang terasa mulai licin dan basah, sambil terus menebarkan aroma yang khas harum. Kulihat sebuah tonjolan kecil di antara belahan gerbang kewanitaannya. Kujilati benda itu. Jeanne mengerang dan mendesis, sejenak melepaskan batang kelelakianku dari mulutnya. Kujilat dengan lembut dan sesekali kugeser-geser dengan lidahku tonjolan kecil yang ada di belahan gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne. Kuvariasikan geseran dan jilatanku dengan sesekali menghisap-hisap tonjolan kecil milik Jeanne. Jeanne mendongakkan kepalanya dan mendesis-desis kenikmatan sambil ia menggoyang-goyangkan pantatnya.
Lidahku kembali menjilati dan menyusuri sekitar gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne. Lidahku berhenti di antara gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne dan lubang pembuangannya. Kujilati daerah itu dan kuputar-putar lidahku di daerah itu. "Oooh Frank.. You make me crazy!" kata Jeanne di antara erangannya. Jeanne mengurut dan mengocok batang kelelakianku sambil mulutnya menghisap ujung kepala batang kelelakianku. Setelah beberapa saat, kujilati juga lubang pembuangan milik Jeanne. Kuputar-putar lidahku di daerah itu. Jeanne mendesis-desis. Kedua tanganku tidak tinggal diam saat lidahku memainkan aktivitasnya. Terkadang jari-jari tanganku menggaruk mesra punggung Jeanne dengan lembut, atau meraba, mengusap dan memainkan bukit dadanya yang menggantung menantang di atas perutku.
Pernah satu saat, sebuah jariku memasuki gerbang kewanitaannya dan mengusap-usap dinding depannya dari dalam, daerah yang sering disebut orang sebagai daerah G-spot. Jeanne agak berteriak kecil saat kuusap daerah itu. Tangannya mencengkeram erat pahaku, mungkin menahan sensasi yang luar biasa baginya. Gerbang kewanitaannya terasa sangat basah pada jariku. Setelah beberapa lama kami saling menjilat, menghisap dan menikmati permainan ini, Jeanne tiba-tiba beranjak dari posisinya. "Honey.. I want it now!" katanya sambil memegang batang kelelakianku yang tegang tegak kaku menghadap langit-langit kamarnya. Jeanne mengangkangiku sambil membelakangiku. Ia mengarahkan batang kelelakianku ke gerbang kewanitaannya. Kubantu dia. Kugeser-geserkan ujung batang kelelakianku pada tonjolan kecil di antara belahan gerbang kewanitaannya. Jeanne memejamkan matanya. Mendesah.
Perlahan, batang kemaluanku memasuki liang kemaluan Jeanne yang sudah licin basah. Pelan.. lembut.. Jeanne perlahan menurunkan pantatnya, membuat batang kemaluanku masuk semakin dalam. Terus masuk.. hingga akhirnya tidak bisa lebih dalam lagi, menyisakan kira-kira seperempat dari panjang batang kemaluanku. Jeanne agak terpekik saat ujung kemaluanku menyentuh dinding cervix-nya. Kemudian Jeanne mulai menggoyangkan pantatnya naik-turun-naik-turun. Pada mulanya perlahan hingga beberapa gerakan, akhirnya Jeanne memainkannya semakin cepat. Aku dan dia menikmati sensasi yang luar biasa saat kedua alat kelamin kami menyatu dan saling bergeseran. Jeanne berulang kali mendesah, melenguh, mendesis, meracaukan kata-kata yang tak jelas kedengaran di telingaku. Aku sendiri menikmatinya dengan pikiran yang melayang. Mencoba menahan rasa geli dan nikmat yang menjalari sekujur tubuhku.
Aku mengangkat badanku sekitar 45 derajat dan bersandar pada headboard tempat tidur Jeanne. Tentu saja membuat otot-otot perutku menjadi kencang. Jeanne (sambil membelakangiku) bertumpu pada perutku dan terus mengayuh tubuhnya naik-turun pada selangkanganku divariasikan dengan memutar-mutar pinggulnya. Saat dia memutar-mutar pinggulnya, aku merasakan kemaluanku seperti disedot oleh sebuah vacuum yang kuat sambil dipuntir. "Aaaghh.. Jeanne.." teriakku sambil memegangi pinggangnya yang ramping dan putih mulus. Rasanya aneh sekali, campuran antara sakit, geli dan nikmat yang sukar untuk bisa aku ceritakan di sini. Kuraih tubuh Jeanne dari belakang. Kuremas-remas lembut kedua payudaranya yang terasa keras tapi kenyal. Putingnya aku pilin-pilin dengan mesra. Jeanne menghentikan sejenak ayunan pantatnya. Dia mendesah, mendesis. Aku merasakan batang kemaluanku dan liang kemaluan Jeanne sama-sama berdenyut-denyut. Kuciumi tengkuk Jeanne, sesekali kugigit-gigit ringan tengkuk, bahu kanannya, dan belakang telinganya. Sambil terus meremas, memilin dan memainkan payudara Jeanne, aku menjilati tengkuk hingga di antara kedua tulang belikatnya.
"Jeanne My Dear.. turn around!" pintaku pada Jeanne untuk membalikkan posisinya. Jeanne berbalik tanpa melepaskan batang kemaluanku dari liang kemaluannya. Batang kemaluanku serasa ada yang memuntirnya. Sekarang kami berhadapan. Aku dan Jeanne saling memeluk, saling meraba. Batang kemaluanku masih terasa berdenyut-denyut di dalam liang kemaluan Jeanne yang juga terasa berdenyut-denyut seperti menghisap batang kemaluanku. Kami berciuman dan melakukan "french kiss". Lidah kami saling berpagut, terkait. Bibir kami bertemu dan saling menggigit, menghisap dan mengulum. Rasanya nikmat sekali. Tanganku meraba dan jemariku dengan lincahnya bergerak di sekujur badan Jeanne, membuat Jeanne kegelian dan merinding. Kurasakan itu pada sekujur tubuhnya yang putih mulus tanpa cela.
Tanpa kuberitahu, tiba-tiba aku berdiri sambil mengangkat Jeanne. Jeanne terkejut dan mempererat rangkulannya pada leherku. Hanya sebentar, ia melanjutkan "french kiss" kami dan melingkarkan kakinya pada pinggangku. Kuangkat Jeanne dengan memegangi pantatnya. Kuayun-ayunkan pinggangku maju-mundur sehingga batang kemaluanku menusuk dan menghujam liang kemaluan Jeanne. Jeanne menggigit bibirku. Aku berjalan ke arah pintu kamar mandi sambil memondong Jeanne tanpa melepaskan batang kemaluanku dari liang kemaluannya. Setiap ayunan langkahku berarti setiap tusukan batang kemaluanku hingga menyentuh cervix Jeanne. Jeanne mengerang, "Oooh Frank! You're increadible!" kata Jeanne di antara desahan napasnya. Aku berjalan mondar-mandir di depan tempat tidur Jeanne dalam posisi ini. Bagiku sendiri, posisi ini tidaklah seenak dan sesensasional posisi yang sebelumnya, tapi bagi Jeanne, ini merupakan suatu posisi yang sangat menantang dan menggairahkan.
"Honey.. I'm almost there.. Sit on the edge of the bed, please..!" kata Jeanne. Aku segera berjalan menuju tempat tidur Jeanne dan duduk di pinggir tempat tidurnya. Kulebarkan kakiku sehingga Jeanne bisa lebih leluasa mengayuh liang kemaluannya bergeseran dengan batang kemaluanku. Kurasakan ada rasa geli yang luar biasa yang menerobos otakku. Aku mengerang. Lidahku kutekuk ke langit-langit mulutku. Kuatur napasku. Rasanya ada gelombang besar dari pinggangku yang hendak mencari jalan keluar melalui batang kemaluanku. Kutahan gelombang besar itu sedapat mungkin.
"Jeanne Sayang.. Aku hampir keluar sedikit lagi.." kataku.
"Let's do it together, Hon!" jawab Jeanne.
Kami berciuman kembali. Jeanne menghentikan ayunannya. Dia memelukku erat sekali. Aku terkejut! Kurasakan ada semacam aliran listrik statis pada ujung batang kemaluanku yang berasal dari cervix Jeanne! Kubuka mataku dan kulepaskan ciuman kami.
"You..?!" ujarku sambil penuh tanda tanya.
"Shut up and just do it!" dan Jeanne kembali menciumku dengan ganas.
Aku pun balas menciumnya. Kami berdua sama-sama diam dalam posisi berciuman.
Kurasakan aliran listrik statis mulai merayapi sekujur tubuhku. Kubiarkan. Dari diriku pun ada semacam energi yang menjalar dari tulang ekorku, naik ke tulang belakangku dan menyebar ke seluruh tubuhku. Gelombang besar yang kurasakan dan hendak mencari jalan keluar perlahan bisa kuatasi. Dengan teknik pernapasan yang kupelajari, ku-"tarik" gelombang besar itu ke arah pinggangku, ke arah dua titik yang disebut ming-men oleh ahli akupunktur. Kuputar gelombang besar itu di sana. Perlahan, aku pun merasakan ada aliran listrik statis yang mengalir dari titik 2 jari di bawah pusarku. Titik ini yang sering disebut oleh orang Cina sebagai titik dantien atau chakra pusar oleh orang India. Tenaga inilah yang disebut oleh orang India sebagai tenaga Kundalini. Inilah kunci dari cara taoist bercinta, yaitu pembangkitan tenaga terpendam dari dantien yang didapat dari tenaga seksual dan membuat genital orgasm menjadi "whole body and soul orgaSMS.
Sekujur tubuhku terasa hangat, begitu juga dengan tubuh Jeanne. Kami masih berciuman. Diam, menikmati sensasi yang luar biasa yang tidak akan pernah kami dapatkan dari orgasme genetik. Aku merasakan ada sesuatu yang berputaran pada tubuhku, dari bawah, naik, hingga melalui mulutku masuk ke mulut Jeanne dan dari mulut Jeanne kurasakan aliran lagi yang menuju ke bawah membentuk suatu siklus. Inilah yang disebut oleh para taoist sebagai kondisi tao, di mana yin dan yang bersatu membentuk harmoni. Aku merasa seperti melayang ke ruangan yang tanpa dimensi. Senyap. Pandangan mataku seperti melihat cahaya yang terang (walaupun aku memejamkan mataku). Rasa nikmat yang aneh disertai oleh rambatan sensasi menjalari setiap bagian tubuhku dan tubuh Jeanne. Kurasakan tubuhku merinding sekujur tubuh (bukan karena dinginnya AC, karena tubuhku terasa hangat). Kurasakan juga Jeanne merinding di sekujur tubuhnya. Rambut-rambut halus yang ada di tubuh kami berdua berdiri, seperti layaknya kalau tubuh teraliri listrik statis. Tubuh kami berdua mengejang. Akhirnya aku merasakan suatu yang sangat melegakan. Nikmat.. Cahaya terang yang "tampak" di mataku digantikan oleh kegelapan yang pekat. Sunyi..!
Pelan-pelan Jeanne melepaskan ciuman kami. Dia tersenyum penuh arti dan kemudian mencium keningku. Kupagut kecil dagu Jeanne saat dia mencium keningku. Aku merasakan kesegaran tubuhku seperti orang yang baru selesai berolahraga ringan. Jeanne perlahan melepaskan gerbang kewanitaannya dari batang kelelakianku. Dia beranjak dari pangkuanku dan memegang batang kelelakianku, kemudian dikulumnya batang kelelakianku yang masih tegak tegang dan kaku yang penuh dengan cairan kewanitaannya. Rupanya Jeanne membersihkan batang kelelakianku. Dia cuma sebentar mengulumnya, kemudian mengambil beberapa lembar tissue dan melap batang kelelakianku. Kukecup kening Jeanne sambil mengelus rambutnya.
Jeanne mengajakku kembali ke balik selimut. Kami berpelukan sambil masih dalam kondisi sama-sama telanjang bulat. Kami kemudian saling berciuman lagi.
"Frank.. You're wonderful!" kata Jeanne.
Aku cuma tersenyum dan mencium keningnya dengan penuh kelembutan. Kusisiri rambut Jeanne dengan jari-jari tanganku.
"Sayang.. kita bukan hanya melakukan seks, kita benar-benar bercinta. I felt so loved so much that I never felt that kind of feeling before. I love you, Frank!"
Aku terkejut mendengar kata-kata Jeanne, terutama yang terakhir. Ada kebahagiaan yang kurasakan di hatiku saat itu. Kupeluk Jeanne semakin erat, dan kucium dia.
"Jeanne.. do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" tanyaku setelah beberapa saat kami berciuman. Jeanne cuma menggeleng.
"Where did you learn that secret and how?" tanyaku penasaran.
Harusnya sudah kusadari sejak awal bahwa kalau dia mengerti tentang "rahasia" ini, tentu paling tidak dia tahu akan "teori"-nya. Ternyata memang dia juga menguasainya! Jeanne tidak menjawab. Dia hanya tersenyum dan meletakkan sebuah jarinya di bibirku, tanda bagiku untuk diam. "Are you hungry Frank?" tanya Jeanne untuk mengalihkan perhatian. Aku melihat ke arah jam dinding di kamar Jeanne. Shit! Sudah lewat tengah malam dan hampir jam satu pagi! Padahal, seingatku aku baru bangun dan memulai permainan kami ini sekitar jam sembilan. Mendadak aku merasakan perutku bunyi dan keroncongan. Seingatku, hari ini aku memang belum makan apapun. Jeanne tersenyum manis lagi (mungkin karena) melihat tampangku yang seperti orang linglung.
"Okay Honey.. I'm hungry too.. I'll make you something," kata Jeanne sambil dia beranjak dari tempat tidur. Tubuhnya yang putih mulus meliuk dan melenggok dan tak lepas dari pandangan mataku. Dia menyalakan lampu kamarnya dan berjalan menuju ke lemari pakaiannya. Membuka sebuah laci, mengambil sebuah celana dalam berwarna putih dengan hiasan bunga-bunga kecil berwarna-warni, mengenakan celana itu, mengambil sebuah T-shirt dan kemudian mengenakannya. Jeanne juga mengambil dan kemudian memakai sebuah celana jins pendek. Dia keluar dari kamar. Aku beranjak dari tempat tidur Jeanne dan menuju ke kamar mandi, di mana baju dan celanaku tertinggal. Saat aku mengenakan celanaku, aku mendengar teriakan Jeanne dari dapur.
"Sayang.. jangan kamu pakai T-shirt kamu! Aku ingin kamu telanjang dada! Aku suka dengan dada kamu! Sangat seksi sekali.." teriaknya. Aku menurut. T-shirt yang hampir aku kenakan batal aku kenakan. Dadaku memang bidang, karena aku juga menyukai olah raga panjat tebing di samping silat yang kulatih sejak kecil. Dadaku juga ditumbuhi rambut-rambut yang tidak terlalu lebat dan juga tidak terlalu jarang yang terus menyambung dari bawah.
Bersambung . . . .

Musim Panas di Los Angeles - 1

 Los Angeles di musim panas memang luar biasa panasnya. Udaranya yang kering dan matahari yang terik membuat tubuhku mandi keringat ketika menyusuri jalan setapak melintasi hamparan rumput University of California at Los Angeles. Hari ini adalah ujian terakhir untuk mata kuliah Mekanika Kuantum. Aku berharap agar ujian akhir ini lekas kuselesaikan dan aku bisa menikmati liburan musim panasku yang akan kumulai besok.

Di depan pintu ruang kuliah, tak sengaja aku bertabrakan dengan Jeanne Chang, seorang gadis dari Taiwan yang cantik dan manis (tampangnya mirip sekali dengan bintang film Gong Li). Hmm.. sudah lama aku mengagumi dia. Tingginya kira-kira 170 cm, termasuk tinggi untuk ukuran tubuh perempuan Asia. Kakinya jenjang dibalut celana pendek ketat sehingga menampakkan kulit pahanya yang putih mulus. Hari ini dia memakai T-shirt longgar dengan sport bra yang sesekali tampak dari balik bajunya.
"Oh, excuse me.. I'm sorry.." kataku agak tergagap.
"Oh, it's okay. This exam makes us a little bit clumsy," jawab Jeanne sambil tersenyum manis.
Alamaak.. bibir mungil yang merah merekah tanpa polesan lipstick itu sungguh menggoda. Dia mengambil tempat duduk dan aku segera menyusul duduk dua meja di sampingnya.
Ujian kali ini aku lalui dengan tidak sabar. Soal-soal yang bagi sebagian besar murid di kelas ini dianggap sulit, bisa aku jawab dengan relatif mudah. Memang Tuhan mengkaruniaiku dengan otak yang lumayan OK. Ketika aku selesai memeriksa ulang jawabanku, aku langsung keluar ruang kuliah dan menunggu Jeanne di depan kelas. Kesempatan ini harus kumanfaatkan, pikirku.
Tak lama kemudian, Jeanne keluar dari ruang ujian. Dia juga termasuk murid yang pandai di angkatanku. Aku menyapanya dan basa-basi ala kadarnya tentang ujian yang baru saja kami lalui. Akhirnya aku mengajak dia ke kafe di student center untuk menikmati "smoothies" (jus buah dan es puter). Ide yang bagus, kata Jeanne, karena kebetulan dia sendiri juga haus. Pergilah kami berdua ke kafe di student center.
Kami mengobrol kesana kemari tentang apa saja. Rupanya Jeanne orang yang sangat mudah bergaul dan memang dia sudah "mengenal" aku dari teman-temannya. Dia bilang, aku dijuluki "damn smart Indonesian". Hmm.. boleh juga! Setelah beberapa saat ngobrol dan saling tertawa karena bertukar jokes, aku memberanikan diri untuk mengantarkannya pulang.
"Did you drive here by yourself?" tanyaku.
"In fact, not today. I didn't want to be late just because I had to find a parking spot," jawab Jeanne.
"Why?" sambungnya lagi.
"Well.. if you don't mind, I would like to drive you home, or we can go around somewhere. Of course, if it's okay with you," jawabku dengan sedikit dag-dig-dug.
Sialan! Jeanne hanya tersenyum dan tidak segera menjawab.
"Let see.. Today is my last day for my classes, I don't have anything important to do this afternoon, and indeed.. you're a nice guy to talk to. OK.. let's go around somewhere!"
Wuiih.. betapa aku nyaris bersorak girang!
"Where did you park your car?" tanya Jeanne penuh ingin tahu.
"It's not that far from here," jawabku sambil memegang tangannya dan mengajaknya jalan.
Dia tidak keberatan tangannya kugandeng! Setelah beberapa saat berjalan, sampailah kami di pelataran parkir.
"Sorry Jeanne, I didn't drive to campus. I rode this.." sambil tanganku menunjuk ke arah motorku, Kawasaki Ninja 750 model terbaru.
"Wow! Why didn't you tell me if we gonna ride a motorcycle!" kata Jeanne.
Aku sudah cemas saja kalau dia batal jalan-jalan bersamaku.
"Then let's go! What are we waiting for? I'd love to ride this motorcycle. It has been a long time I would like to try a Ninja. My older brother has a GSX-R 600 F3."
Lega deh rasanya. Rupanya Jeanne ini juga suka sekali naik motor dibonceng kakaknya.
Tak lama kemudian, Jeanne naik ke sadel motorku dan memeluk pinggangku. Jantungku berdegub keras dan kencang, karena betapa punggungku merasakan ganjalan lunak sepasang bukitnya dan telingaku merasakan dengusan nafasnya dan hidungku mencium wangi tubuhnya. Untung hari ini aku tidak bawa tas ke kampus, karena memang aku pikir toh aku cuma ujian saja, jadi cukup bawa bolpen dan pensil.
Kularikan motorku dengan kecepatan sedang meninggalkan kampus dan menyusuri jalan-jalan di kota Los Angeles. Jeanne protes karena aku melarikan motorku terlalu pelan! Merasa tertantang, aku tarik gas dan kupacu motorku di interstate highway. Jeanne semakin kencang memelukku.
Setelah puas jalan-jalan, Jeanne mengajakku untuk mengantarkan dia pulang ke apartemennya di kawasan menengah (sengaja daerahnya tidak kusebutkan karena banyak mahasiswa Indonesia yang tinggal di daerah itu). Bagi ukuran seorang mahasiswa, kawasan itu termasuk lingkungan yang cukup elit dan mahal. Jeanne tinggal seorang diri (kakaknya tinggal di apartemen lain, berdekatan dengan dia). Jeanne menyuruhku masuk. Memasuki ruangan apartemen dia, aku mencium wangi pengharum ruangan yang lembut. Jeanne pandai sekali menata ruangan apartemennya sehingga kelihatan menarik dan nyaman. Dekorasi ruangannya bernafaskan Cina tradisional bercampur modern, dengan hiasan kaligrafi Cina dan lukisan klasik Cina. Beberapa buah patung menghiasi berbagai tempat.
"Can I get you something? I have Coke, Sprite, 7Up or water?" tawarnya sambil mengeluarkan gelas dan membuka lemari es.
"Ice cold water is just fine for me. Thank you," jawabku sambil aku duduk di sofa.
Ada berbagai jenis majalah di bawah meja. Aku tertarik membuka-buka sebuah majalah, Popular Science.
"Here's your water.." tiba-tiba Jeanne sudah berada di depanku meletakkan segelas air putih di atas meja di depanku. Badannya agak membungkuk, sehingga aku bisa melihat sekelebatan tonjolan dua bukit dadanya yang kencang dan dibalut sport bra lewat T-shirtnya yang longgar. Sejenak dadaku berdesir dan aku merasa celanaku tiba-tiba menjadi sempit.
"Thanks, Jeanne!"
Jeanne kemudian duduk di sebelahku. Dekat, sangat dekat untuk ukuran orang yang baru saja saling mengenal. Tapi rasanya Jeanne dan aku sudah seperti orang yang sudah kenal lama. Kami mengobrol dan bercerita tentang apa saja. Jeanne dan aku juga saling bertukar jokes dan kami tertawa lepas. Hingga suatu saat, aku memberanikan diri memegang jemari tangannya. Lembut. Dia agak tertegun, tapi tidak menolak.
"Jeanne.. You're so beautiful!" kataku singkat.
Jeanne tersenyum.
"Thank you," jawabnya.
Ia menundukkan kepalanya ketika aku memandang wajahnya. Perlahan, kuberanikan untuk mencium dahinya. Waah.. rupanya dia tidak menolak ketika kudekatkan bibirku ke dahinya. Perlahan, kukecup keningnya. Jeanne memejamkan matanya. Mungkin dia sedang menikmati suasana saat itu. Aku semakin berani walaupun dadaku semakin berdegub kencang. Aku menggeser dudukku hingga makin merapat. Kulingkarkan tanganku untuk memeluk dia sambil mengelus-elus rambutnya. Perlahan, kupegang dagunya dan kudongakkan.
"Jeanne.." bisikku.
Jeanne hanya bergumam dan membuka matanya memandangku.
"I like you very much.. Would you mind if I kiss you, please..?" kataku sambil masih berbisik.
Jeanne tidak menjawab. Dia kembali memejamkan matanya dan membuka sedikit bibirnya yang merah ranum. Perlahan dan lembut, kukecup dan kukulum bibir yang merah menantang itu. Jeanne melenguh perlahan. Dia memelukku dan membalas ciumanku. Makin lama nafasnya makin memburu. Kurasakan dadanya yang semakin kencang ketika kami saling berdekapan. Mungkin dia juga bisa merasakan betapa batang kelelakianku juga semakin keras. Entah berapa lama kami menikmati ciuman itu. Sengaja memang aku tidak "menggerayangi" tubuhnya. Rupanya dia penasaran juga.
Tiba-tiba Jeanne melepaskan pelukanku dan dia berdiri kemudian menuju kamarnya. "Wait here!" Perintahnya sambil tersenyum penuh arti (yang tidak dapat kumengerti maksudnya). Aku mendengar sayup-sayup suara air yang mengucur deras dari dalam kamarnya. Ah, rupanya di dalam ada kamar mandi dalam. Tak lama kemudian, Jeanne keluar dari kamarnya. "Come on in!" ajak Jeanne sambil menggandeng tanganku. Aku menurut saja. "Your bedroom is great!" pujiku sungguh-sungguh, karena memang dia pandai sekali menata kamar tidurnya. Jeanne hanya menjawab terima kasih. Dia menuntunku hingga memasuki kamar mandinya. Di dalam kamar mandi, kulihat air kran masih mengucur deras hampir memenuhi separuh dari bathtub. Wangi harum dari bubble bath segera memenuhi paru-paruku.
Kali ini Jeanne yang memulai dengan rangkulan dan ciuman sambil meraba sekujur tubuhku. Jeanne menciumku dengan bernafsu sekali sambil tangannya meremas-remas pantatku. Aku pun tak mau kalah. Kucium, kupagut bibir merahnya sambil tanganku meremas lembut pantatnya. Jeanne mulai menanggalkan pakaianku satu per satu. Aku pun mulai melepaskan T-shirtnya. Sport bra berwarna abu-abu yang dipakainya mencetak bukit dadanya yang sudah mengeras dengan putingnya yang membayang di baliknya. Menurut perkiraanku, sekitar 34C. Ukuran yang pas dan sesuai dengan seleraku. Selangkanganku terasa makin keras. Celana jins yang kupakai rasanya semakin sesak. Kuraba dan kuremas lembut bukit dada Jeanne. Dia melenguh dan semakin ganas dengan permainan "french kiss" kami. Jeanne membuka celana jinsku. Aku pun mulai melepaskan celana pendek ketat yang membalut Jeanne. Gila! Jeanne hanya mengenakan G-string hitam di balik celana pendek ketatnya!
Jeanne meraba dan meremas lembut batang kemaluanku yang masih dibalut celana dalamku. Dia memainkan jemarinya dan mulai merogoh masuk celana dalamku, menjemput batang kelelakianku. Dengan sekali tarik, G-string hitam milik Jeanne segera jatuh ke lantai. Alamaak.. betapa indah gerbang kewanitaan milik Jeanne. Perutnya yang putih mulus hingga ke bawah. Rambut pubisnya yang halus dan dicukur rapi, tidak terlalu lebat, tapi juga tidak terlalu tipis. Celah kewanitaannya membayang di balik rambut pubisnya.
Kulepaskan pula sport bra yang masih membalut dadanya. Telanjang sudah perempuan cantik di depanku yang selama ini mengisi khayalanku. Bukit dadanya yang ranum dengan putingnya yang berwarna pink tegak tegang menantangku untuk mengulumnya. Perlahan, kususuri bukit dadanya yang sebelah kiri dengan lidahku. Kumainkan lidahku hingga ke putingnya. Jeanne mendesis. Kujawil-jawil putingnya dengan lidahku, sementara tangan kiriku meremas lembut dan memainkan bukit dada dan putingnya yang kanan. Jeanne mengerang. Tangannya merenggut celana dalamku hingga terlepas ke lantai. Dengan ganas ia memainkan dan mengocok batang kelelakianku. Percaya atau tidak, batang kelelakianku bila sedang "full power" bisa mencapai pusar lebih sedikit. Inilah yang membuat Jeanne sepertinya terkejut.
Jeanne "menuntun" batang kelelakianku menuju bathtub. Aku merebahkan diri ke dalam bathtub dan Jeanne dengan perlahan mengocok dan mengurut batang kelelakianku di antara busa-busa sabun dan air hangat. Jeanne duduk di antara dua kakiku sambil masih terus mengurut dan mengocok batang kelelakianku. Aku memejamkan mataku, menikmati setiap sensasi yang menjalari sekujur tubuhku. Rasa geli yang nikmat kurasakan setiap gerakan lembut tangan Jeanne beraksi naik turun.
Entah berapa lama aku menikmati permainan tangan Jeanne. Kutarik bahunya dan kubalikkan badan Jeanne ke arah badanku. Jeanne kupeluk dari belakang. Kini giliranku untuk memberikan kenikmatan buat Jeanne. Kumainkan bukit dadanya dengan jalan meremas, meraba dan memilin-milin lembut dengan tangan kananku. Sementara tangan kiriku tidak mau kalah, memainkan paha, lipat paha dan daerah gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne. Jeanne mengerang, mendesis dan melenguh. Hidung dan lidahku menciumi dan menjilati daerah di belakang daun telinga Jeanne dan sekitar tengkuknya. Kupilin dan kugeser-geser lembut klitoris dan labia mayor Jeanne.
Akhirnya, kami menyudahi permainan yang mengasyikkan itu karena kulit kami mulai keriput disebabkan oleh terlalu lamanya kami berendam dalam air bubble bath. Jeanne menciumi wajahku dengan penuh kelembutan dan akhirnya kami melakukan "french kiss" lagi dengan posisi saling mendekap. Setelah puas melakukan "french kiss", Jeanne berdiri dan memutar kran shower untuk membilas tubuh kami. Di bawah derai siraman air shower, kami berpelukan dan melakukan "french kiss" lagi. Saling meraba, saling mengelus dan menyusuri tubuh pasangan kami.
Rupanya Jeanne sudah tidak tahan lagi. Ia menaikkan satu kakinya ke pinggir bathtub dan menuntun batang kelelakianku ke arah gerbang kewanitaannya. Aku membantunya sambil tangan kiriku memilin-milin puting payudara kanannya. Kugeser-geserkan ujung kepala kemaluanku pada klitorisnya. Perlahan, kumasukkan batang kemaluanku ke dalam liang kemaluannya. Pelan.. lembut.. perlahan.. sambil terus kukulum bibir merahnya. Jeanne mendekapku sambil mendesis di sela-sela ciuman kami. Akhirnya kumasukkan kira-kira tiga per empat dari panjang kemaluanku, dan mulai kumaju-mundurkan pantatku. Jeanne memejamkan matanya sambil terus mendesis dan melenguh. Ia memelukku semakin kencang. Kuayunkan pantatku semakin cepat dengan tusukan-tusukan dalam yang kukombinasikan dengan tusukan-tusukan dangkal. Jeanne membantu dengan putaran pinggulnya, membuat batang kemaluanku seperti disedot dan diputar oleh liang kemaluannya. Guyuran air shower menambah erotis suasana dan nikmatnya sensasi yang kami alami.
Aku merasakan lubang kemaluan Jeanne semakin licin dan semakin mudah bagiku untuk melakukan tusukan-tusukan kenikmatan yang kami rasakan bersama. Setelah agak lama melakukan posisi ini, Jeanne menarik pantatnya sehingga batang kemaluanku terlepas dari lubang kemaluannya. Kemudian Jeanne membalikkan badannya dan agak membungkuk, menahan tubuhnya dengan berpegangan pada dinding kamar mandi. Rupanya dia ingin merasakan posisi "rear entry" atau yang lebih populer dengan istilah "doggy style". Kemaluannya yang berwarna merah jambu sudah membuka, menantang, dan terlihat licin basah. Perlahan kumasukkan batang kemaluanku yang tegang kaku dan keras ke dalam lubang kemaluan Jeanne. Jeanne mendesis. Kuayunkan pantatku maju-mundur, menusuk-nusuk lubang kemaluan Jeanne. Jeanne merapatkan kedua kakinya sehingga batang kemaluanku semakin terjepit di dalam liang kemaluannya. Kurasakan kenikmatan yang luar biasa dan sensasi yang sukar kulukiskan dengan kata-kata setiap kali aku menghujamkan kemaluanku. Kuremas-remas pantat Jeanne bergantian dengan remasan-remasanku pada payudaranya. Sesekali, kugigit-gigit kecil di daerah sekitar tengkuk dan pundaknya.
Setelah sekian lama, tiba-tiba Jeanne mengangkat kaki kanannya dan memutarnya melampaui kepalaku (seperti sebuah teknik tendangan memutar ke arah kepala) sambil tangannya berpegangan pada leherku. Gila! Lentur juga nih cewek! pikirku. Dia membalik dari posisi "rear entry" ke posisi berhadapan tanpa melepaskan liang kemaluannya dari tusukan batanganku. Dia menciumku dengan ganasnya sambil mencengkeram erat punggungku, merapatkan tubuhnya dan mengejan,
"Aku keluaarr..! Aaagghh..!" serunya sambil memelukku erat-erat.
Aku merasakan liang kemaluannya berdenyut-denyut seperti menghisap-hisap kemaluanku. Aku merasakan tubuh Jeanne yang menjadi lemas setelah mengalami orgasme. Aku masih saja memompa kemaluanku sambil menyangga tubuhnya. Kuhisap-hisap puting payudaranya, kiri-kanan sambil lidahku berputar-putar pada ujungnya. Sesekali jari-jariku meraba dan memutar-mutar klitorisnya. Jeanne seperti orang yang sedang tak sadarkan diri. Dia hanya ber-ah-uh saja sambil sesekali menciumiku. Setelah beberapa saat, mendadak dia mengejan lagi. Melenguh dan mengerang,
"Aaagghh..! Ooohh my goodness.. Aku keluaarr lagii..!"
Jeanne engalami orgasmenya yang kedua kalinya. Hmm.. multiple orgasm! Jeanne menciumiku dengan ganasnya.
"Jeanne sayangku.. tahan.. Aku akan keluar sedikit lagi.." kataku sambil memacu pantatku lebih cepat lagi menghujam liang kemaluan Jeanne.
Jeanne hanya bisa pasrah. Akhirnya, aku merasakan sebuah gelombang besar yang mencari jalan keluar. Aku mencoba untuk menahannya selama mungkin, tapi gelombang itu semakin besar dan semakin kuat. Aku mengatur pernapasanku, berkonsentrasi penuh. Kudekap erat Jeanne.
"Aku keluaarr..!"
Aku merasakan kenikmatan yang luar biasa menjalari sekujur tubuhku. Rasanya tubuhku seperti dialiri listrik statis dan aku seperti melayang tinggi. Ada rasa hangat menjalari seluruh tubuhku. Kemaluanku berdenyut-denyut di dalam liang kemaluan Jeanne. Jeanne menjerit kecil merasakan sesuatu yang luar biasa yang belum pernah dia rasakan sebelumnya.
"Oh My God! You learned the secret!" teriak Jeanne antara girang dan keheranan.
"What secret?" tanyaku keheranan.
"This secret.." jawab Jeanne sambil menunjuk ke arah batang kelelakianku yang masih tegak tegang (yang baru saja kulepaskan dari gerbang kewanitaan Jeanne) dan tidak mengeluarkan cairan kejantananku.
Batang kelelakianku hanya basah oleh cairan yang dikeluarkan oleh Jeanne.
"Rahasia ranjang kamar, cara taoist bercinta!" sambung Jeanne.
Aku hanya tersenyum. Mencium lembut keningnya, kemudian mencuci batang kelelakianku di bawah shower. Jeanne memelukku dari belakang dan membantu mencuci batang kelelakianku. Setelah selesai mandi berdua, kami berdua saling mengeringkan diri dengan handuk. Ketika aku hendak mengenakan pakaianku kembali, Jeanne melarangku dan mengajakku untuk ke tempat tidurnya.
"Wait.." pintaku.
Saat Jeanne menoleh, aku mencuri sebuah ciuman dan kubopong Jeanne ke arah tempat tidurnya (yang berukuran queen dengan warna serba hijau tua dihiasi sebuah boneka Garfield). Kuletakkan Jeanne perlahan di tempat tidurnya. Kuciumi sekujur tubuhnya. Setelah puas, aku berbaring di sebelahnya. Jeanne kudekap dan kuciumi di sekitar daun telinganya sambil tanganku mengelus-elus punggungnya. Tak lama kemudian Jeanne tertidur dengan senyum di bibirnya. Kukecup lembut bibirnya, lalu aku ikut tidur di sampingnya. Beredekapan, telanjang di bawah selimut.
Bersambung . . . .

Monday, August 1, 2022

Sex on Bali Beach

I met him while my friend stopped his friend to help us take a picture at Hard Rock Cafe in bali. As we were 2 single asian girls, the 2 american white boys quickly chat us up and ask if we wanted to join them for a drink. We agree and left to search for a bar.
Both men were tall, good-looking and young, clearly searching for a good time. So were we.

We found a bar and started ordering shots and drinks and pretty soon we were wasted. John, who was hitting on and flirting with me the whole night asked if I wanted to leave to check out the beach.
My friend winked and said go ahead as she was starting to make out with the other guy.

Holding my hand, he lead me down to the beach. We walked and talked a little, before settling on a beach chair and started making out. He lifted my blouse and bra and started to suck my nipples. His hands worked their way down my body and up my mini skirt. He fingered my pussy. I was glad I went for a brazilian and my pussy was smooth and hairless. John whistled when he started playing with my hairless pussy and said he had never sucked and fucked a hairless pussy before. He eagerly took of my panties and skirt and proceeded to give me a mind blowing oral. I returned the favor and gave him a blow job, with him coming inside my mouth and I promptly swallowed.
We both wanted sex but we didn’t have a condom. It is bali and there a plenty of 24hr shops in town. We out our clothes back on and hurried to a store to buy condoms. We weren’t sure how many condoms to buy 3 or 12? John said cheekily that we need to use all 12. can’t be too difficult! judging by the hot oral I got but you never know.
We wanted to continue our rendezvous in our hotel room but we won’t sure which room the other couple took. We picked my hotel room but when we arrived, we could her my friend moaning inside the room. (she is loud!). Hearing the other couple having hot sex turned both of us was like hearing porn! We walked past the pool and decided to make out on a deck chair in the shadows. We couldn’t wait another 10mins to the other room, we want to get our party started! John was already hard when he took his shorts off. It was a huge cock, my first Caucasian cock. He was pleased by my reaction. I teased that it may not fit in my asian pussy. He kissed me and said he’ll be gentle. I laid on my back, spread my legs open, welcoming his huge cock into my soaking wet pussy. When he eased his cock into my pussy, I let out a gasp, a good gasp! It was huge and I can feel every inch of it in me. God it was so good! Encouraged by my pleasure, John continued to thrust and I started to moan, softly first. As john thrust harder and faster, my moans became louder and louder. John tried to shush me as it may wake the hotel guests nearby but it was hard to contain my ecstasy. I came pretty quickly (thanks to the huge cock) and john came after, loading his cum in the condom inside me. Just after john came, both of us were catching our breathes and john cock was still inside me, I saw a security guard standing at the far end of the pool, watching us! The next few moments were mix of shock, anger and embarrassment as we scrambled to put our clothes back on.
We ran back to our room, laughing at what had happened. I was not mad, in fact I was turned on knowing somebody was watching our performance. We had sex twice more than night and morning sex was awesome. John loved my hairless pussy, can’t stop playing with it, either his fingers or mouth
Both couples continued our sexual relationship. We exchanged rooms for the rest of the holiday. I hardly saw my friend other than meal times. It was a sexual holiday, waking up to john sucking on my nipples, or me blowing him before climbing on him to ride him in the mornings. We will run back to our room in the afternoon for a quickie. Turned on by our voyageuristic encounter, we went skinny dipping in the beach and pool followed by hot (and loud) sex in the public. We never encountered an audience since.
Needless to say, we went through 12 condoms pretty quickly and had to buy another 12 more. We used all 24 in 4 days, not counting the orals and fingering in between. My pussy and johns cock had a lot of attention those 4 days.
I’m also glad this was before smart phone.. I could have ended up on porn websites.
We parted ways. Chose not exchange contact. My friend and I both cried on the plane. We knew it was a no strings attached fling, being girls, we became emotionally attached

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wife's business trip

My Husband has always had a fantasy about watching me with another man. I personally have never been interested in this type of fantasy. Not that I don't have a few fantasies of my own, but to be with someone else just doesn't turn me on. I don't understand why this is such a big turn-on for him seeing me be with someone else or knowing someone else has been inside of me. We have tried other fantasies involving dressing up and playing with toys, but he always seems to gravitate towards this one fantasy of me being with another man.

Some insight into our back ground. We were married 10 years ago. We are both in our mid 30's and keep in fairly good shape. I am a little on the heavy side, but my husband tells me I am perfect. I have a small waist and nice round ass, that my husband loves, but I am not well endowed. My ass is my best feature. We both work and we both travel. He tries to be at home when I travel and I do the same for him. He is in Sales so he travels far more than I do. I do have conferences that I attend, and he has even gone to a few of them with me.

Last year he started adding to my suitcase small items, nothing that I would get in trouble for if my suitcase were to open accidentally, just some sexier lingerie than I would normally travel for work with, but still stuff I didn't pack. He would ask me to wear crotchless panties to business dinners, knowing full well I was having dinner with men I worked with.

On occasion, I would indulge since I would just be in dress pants, but it would get him all worked up after dinner as he sat there at home probably reading stories or watching porn on his computer. He would also pack sexy pajamas knowing I would be in the room alone. Once he even packed my thigh highs and garter belt. I hardly wear dresses or skirts to work, so this was more for him and his thoughts than for me. All of these things combined were starting to get me a little irritated, but I put up with them. Occasionally we would argue about it, and he would stop for a while, but then a few months later he would start adding lingerie again.

Fast forward to last month. I had a quick 3 night business trip in California to attend. We were in our room at home the night before as I packed all my clothing, hair products, makeup, and shoes into my suitcase. I always pack more than I need to take so my suitcase was quite full and pretty heavy. I figured there wouldn't be any room for him to surprise me, but I was wrong.

I checked into my hotel after a short 2 hour flight and a quick cab ride to the hotel. I was dressed in my usual business clothes with a little lace thong and matching pushup bra that my husband picked out for me to wear on the plane. I had to admit the sexy lingerie did have an effect on me. I was late getting to the plane and had to take a middle seat between 2 businessmen. I tried to put on my headphones, but the one on my left would just not stop talking to me. If he only knew what I was wearing under my slacks. We chatted for then entire flight. He was very nice and kept me entertained, but when we arrived in LA, I found out he was just on a layover and would be flying to Washington in an hour. We said our goodbyes and I found my bag and headed to the hotel.

I had about an hour to kill from the time I got into my room and when the afternoon meetings would begin. I decided to unpack my clothes and hang up my Pants and shirts. About that time my husband texted me and asked how the flight was and if I was at my hotel yet. I responded to him and informed him of the plane ride and the guy that wouldn't stop talking to me.

He made a comment about how I should have shown him my bra or stood up and revealed my sexy panties to him. I told him to drop it and went on my way. As I opened my suitcase, I was surprised at seeing a dress in there I had worn on our last vacation. I can tell you this dress had my husband pawing me all night that night. It did the trick and was on the floor the second we walked into our hotel room. I knew I hadn't packed it, but I wouldn't have packed something like that for this trip. I was wondering what other surprises I would find in there.

I texted my husband I found his surprise, but I wouldn't be wearing it this trip. He sent me some cheeky response about imagining him there with me and wearing it for him. I said fat chance. I continued unpacking until I thought I was done, but then I ran my hand along the side where there was a bulge in the lining and found the rest of his surprises. I pulled out a couple more sexy thongs, including a crotchless pair, a white pair, and a black pair. I also found my thigh high stockings and garter belt and a couple negligees. Needless to say I wasn't overly happy.

I texted my husband that I had found the rest of his presents, as he liked to call them, and that I wouldn't be needing any of it this trip. I even told him I left my diaphragm at home so no one would be getting into my panties this trip, and that he better stop or he might lose the privilege as well. He apologized and said he loved me and that it was just for him to imagine me in. The thought did cross my mind that I should show him up, but then I remembered I had to get to a meeting soon. I freshened up and headed downstairs.

I work in a male dominated industry so there are just a few girls that go to these meetings. I immediately found my group of girls and we headed in. The meetings that day flew by, and at the end we were all trying to decide where to go for dinner. We had a little while, and I needed to go back to my room before dinner, but I figured we should get this item solved before heading our separate ways. While we were deciding, a few of the men left behind came over. I knew a couple of them, and that's when we were invited to join them for dinner.

This isn't uncommon on these trips. Once it was decided, we went our separate ways. I looked at my phone as I knew my husband had texted me a while ago, and answered him, told him I was heading up to my room to change for dinner and that a group of us had decided where to eat and at what time. He asked where was I going and who would be joining me. I answered that it was a group, and that it was a nice seafood restaurant a couple miles from the hotel, that a couple of the guys had cars and would drive us all there.

I waited for a remark from him but got none. Once I was in my room, I changed my clothes, freshened up and used the bathroom. As I was sitting there, a text came up on my phone from my husband asking what I was wearing to dinner. I responded with jeans, tank top, and sweater, as it was a little chilly there at night. Next came the inevitable, what did I have on under that. I told him the same underwear I left the house in. This got a big smile out of him, and he just said have fun. I knew what he was getting at and said fat chance. I headed down to the lobby and headed out with the group.

Dinner was nice and we all had a few drinks along with some great food. We headed back to the hotel and as I was getting ready to head to my room, one of the girls said they were going to grab a couple of drinks at the bar and that I couldn't let her go the bar alone. Against my better judgment, I went to the bar with her and we ordered our drinks.

Before long a fresh round appeared in front of us. The bartender pointed down the bar at a couple of nondescript guys, we raised our glasses and went back to talking. Before long both of the men were behind us asking our names and where we were from. I looked at my phone and saw I missed a text. I excused myself and went to the ladies room.

I answered my husband that I was at the bar in the hotel talking to a co-worker. The drinks must have made a little loopy, along with the sexy lingerie I was wearing when I told him a couple guys are trying to chat us up. My phone went crazy. I told him to settle down, that I wasn't going to invite anyone to my room or go to anyone else's room. Just thought he would like to know. I told him I had to go back to make sure my friend didn't do anything stupid, and again I just got a "Have fun". I told him I would text him when I got back to my room alone and that I loved him. I turned my phone off and headed back to the bar.

As I entered, I noticed a few less people in the bar. I sat down with my friend, the guys had taken seats around us. She was engrossed in her conversation with one and the other was sitting there looking all sad. I sat down, grabbed my drink as he started talking to me.

He turned out to be a nice guy from Ohio who was travelling on business for the month. He said he hadn't been home in 2 weeks and was scheduled for 2 more cities before being able to go home. I told him I was there for a couple nights but would be going home to my husband on Thursday.

He said he wasn't married, and hadn't dated anyone in a while. Of course I complimented him on his looks and his personality and tried to let him down easy that he wasn't getting into my panties this trip. He tried a few more times that night, but it was getting late and I had to get up early. He said he hoped to see me again the next night. I told him there was a possibility. He was a great conversationalist and was very entertaining.

I said my farewells and tried to convince my other married friend to leave, but she wasn't having it. I headed out to the elevator and pushed the button. I was hoping it would open before Larry decided he needed to head up as well. No such luck. He turned the corner just as the door opened, so we road the 14 floors to his floor talking away. We said goodnight and as the doors were closing he blew me a kiss and turned around. It was then that I caught a glimpse of his ass in some very nice, tight slacks.

I'm sure he got a good look at my ass both times I walked away from him, as did his friend, but hey, what can I say. As I rode the elevator to the 18th floor, I grabbed my phone and turned it on. I was shocked to see it was already 11 o'clock. I still had to take off my makeup and get ready for bed.

The first text came through as the elevator door opened up. Not surprisingly, it was from my husband. The usual being raked over the coals for the details. I answered, told him I had a good time and the guy was nice, but I was walking to my room alone, like usual. He prodded some more, and I started to get a little angry. I told him I had a nice time talking to him, but that was it. It wasn't going any further. I also reminded him that I had nothing with me so even if I wanted to, it wasn't happening.

He apologized and said he would drop it. I asked what he was doing up so late, and he said reading some sexy stories. I imagined him in his boxers at the computer in the dark and chuckled. It was about the time I got to my room that I noticed I had another message. I opened the door and stepped in as I opened the message from a random number.

It was Larry, the guy I was talking to. Guess he had gone back to the bar and gotten my number from my friend. Some friend I thought, as I thought about ignoring it and getting ready for bed. I started taking my makeup off, as another message came through. I looked at this one, now knowing who it was from. He was apologizing and just said goodnight.

I decided to respond and just said I had a nice time, that maybe we would see each other tomorrow at the bar again, and goodnight. He said he hoped to as he couldn't get the image of me out of his head.

I thanked him and said he was very good looking, but nothing was going to happen and good night. Then he surprised me by asking for a picture. I said I had already taken my makeup off so no way. He then said to send him one in the morning. I teased that if he couldn't remember what I looked like now, how was he going to recognize me at the bar tomorrow.

That's when we sent me a picture of him, so I would be able to pick him out. I said thanks and goodnight. I sat there looking at the picture as another one popped up. It was him at the bar with my friend and his friend. I said goodnight one last time and turned over the phone. I knew I wouldn't get to sleep if I continued talking to him. I took my clothes off, leaving just the thin, silk material of the thong on, then went to my suitcase to grab my regular sweats.

I started rummaging through my suitcase thinking I had packed them when a thought crossed my head. I bet my sneaky husband took them out and only left me with my silk nighties to wear. I looked through one more time and couldn't find them. I texted my husband but didn't get a reply. I grabbed the short white silk nightie he had packed for me and slipped it on and crawled into bed. It felt strange being in a hotel room all alone in this, but what choice did I have.

As I lay there, I heard the buzz of the phone and thought it was my husband. As I opened it up, I saw it was from Larry. I decided to read it. He said he could still smell my perfume and how he couldn't stop thinking about me. I started getting turned on, and against better judgment responded to him that he was sweet and that I thought he was a great guy and very handsome.

We chatted a while when I asked him what he thought my best feature was. He took the easy way out and said my eyes. I then asked him what color they were, and was a little taken aback when he said green. I didn't think he would have noticed.

I asked if they were still at the bar and he said they had closed the place down and that he was in his bed in his room. I got an instant mental picture of him laying there naked with his cock up to his belly button, stroking it thinking about me. I ran my hands down my nightgown, feeling the silk material, then back up to my breast. I gently squeezed my breast through the soft material as I texted him back, saying he was quite handsome and I was flattered he was thinking about me.

Just as I hit send, I pinched my nipple and felt a jolt all the way down to my crotch. I let my hand roam down my stomach as I thought about him grabbing his hard cock and stroking it while reading my reply and sending his own. I was on pins and needles as my hand inched toward the waistband of my panties, wondering what he was typing.

His reply was a request at a pic again. I was feeling very loose by now as my hand sunk lower over my panties and I almost jumped when I touched my clit through my thong. I decided what the hell, I knew I had a canned pic in my phone, so what would it hurt. I looked through but couldn't find one I liked. I turned the camera on, flipped it around and said what harm could come from one picture. I took the pic, looked at it and threw it away. It wasn't until the 4th pic that I decided I liked it. I figured he was probably asleep anyways so he would get it in the morning. I hit send then realized my fingers were tracing the outline of my pussy through my panties and I was getting very wet.

I removed my hand from my panties, closed my eyes, and just as I started to drift, I heard my phone go off again. I decided it wouldn't hurt to look so I picked it up and saw him laying in his bed with no shirt on! I was speechless. Ripped abbs and nice shoulders, smiling away at the camera in the dark.

I couldn't help but run my fingers down to my pussy again and start rubbing my clit. That's when the next message came through. you are beautiful. You don't look a day over 25, and how beautiful my eyes were. I looked at the time, almost 1am. I knew I had to get some rest, but I couldn't stop looking at the picture he sent.

That's when he asked for another of me. He was getting bold this one, I thought. I just kept looking at his request as my fingers continued to trace the outline of my clit. I started to pull my panties to the side and just touch myself for a second, when a second request came in. I thought how my husband would love to know about this, me rubbing my bare clit, looking at a picture of an Adonis, while contemplating sending him another pic.

I thought I should send my husband something to whet his appetite, but knew it would be a gamble. My devious side won, and I sent him the pic of my Adonis. Right then I turned the camera back one, pulled the sheets down, to my belly, strained to pull my fingers away from my clit, looked at the screen of my silk white nightie and how it made my breasts look, and hit capture. I looked at the phone for what felt like an eternity until the image popped up. I stared at it for a second, then before changing my mind, hit send.

That was it! I couldn't believe I was sending a picture of myself in a white nightie with my nipples visible through the lace cups. I put the phone down and turned to my side. I could barely breathe. What if my husband gets mad, what if this guy thinks I'll do something with him, what if I decide to do something? My mind was racing. That's when the phone buzzed. I nearly fell off the bed reaching for it.

I opened it up and it was from my husband asking what that was I sent him. I told him it was a pic from the guy I met. I said please don't be mad, I just wanted to tease you a little. He said mad, How could I be mad, he was so turned on that he was jacking himself off to the pic of the guy I sent him! I told him nothing was going to happen and that Leslie, my friend had sent me the pic. That's when the phone buzzed again. This time it was already in my hand.

I switched over the message, and stared at the screen for what seemed like forever. My hand went straight for my clit, right under my panties, then slid easily inside me. I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful, long, hard cock on my screen. I thought about sending it to my husband, but changed my mind. That was until I got the second pic of his hand stroking his magnificent cock.

I was so wet looking at it I could have slide my hand inside my pussy. I decided what the hell, took the first pic he sent and sent it to my husband as matter-of-factly as I could. I said see what could be inside me right now! How would you like that and didn't wait for a response.

That's when I received another message from Larry. It was simple, just said "where is mine". I laughed and said I couldn't. He said of course you can. At this point, he really didn't have to push too far. I wanted to turn him on, I wanted to make him cum all over his stomach and hands just as badly as I wanted to cum myself.

I started imagining my hand stroking his magnificent cock as his fingers plunged deep inside me, working my clit with my juices coating his fingers. The next image in my head almost took me over the edge as I saw myself straddling him, guiding that big hard cock deep into my soaking wet pussy.

I had to remove my fingers from my clit for a minute to calm down. That's when I saw a text. It just said "I'm waiting". Very simple. I liked it. I rolled over onto my side, pulled my nightie down, aimed the camera at my barely covered ass, and hit capture. I looked at it and thought it was gorgeous. If I were in to chicks, I'd be turned on by it. You could just see the bottom of my ass, the white nightie, then the faint outline of the white thong. Beyond that was a nice portion of side boob and my face.

I clicked send before I changed my mind. I rolled back over onto my back and slid my panties off, imagining his hands pulling them down. I figured I was done with pics, and they were getting in the way. I slid my hand down and started pretending it was his hands again on my clit.

The phone buzzed, and the pic I got made me cum so hard. It literally snuck up on me. It was his hand and stomach covered in his beautiful cream. I couldn't put the phone down, I couldn't pull my fingers away, I just kept cumming on my fingers looking at the image on my phone. I just kept thinking how good his big hard cock would feel inside me releasing that massive load. Over and over in my mind that image kept playing.

It wasn't until I relaxed enough that I could pull my fingers away from my pussy. I decided to send him one last pic, so I took my left hand, held it up, and snapped the pic. The image was beautiful. Just my face, the top of my nightie pulled down showing a little nipple and what little cleavage I have, and my glistening fingers, and of course my wedding rings. The caption was thank you as well and sweet dreams. I laid my head down on my pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day I woke frantically. I had overslept. I looked at the clock and the meetings started in an hour and a half. No way could I be completely ready by then. I jumped up, showered, did my hair and makeup, and quickly dressed. As I was headed out the door, I glanced at my phone. 7 unread messages. Damn, I had almost forgotten about last night.

I opened them up as I got to the elevator and all but one were from my husband. I figured he would be pissed, so I opened them up, and it was him, naked in bed, with his cock in his hand, the next one was his jizz all over his stomach with a good morning, the next one he was getting concerned, and the next few were, "are you alive".

I responded to the alive one, and said our good mornings, then commended him on his load and said how much I would love to lick it off his stomach. He was already starting with questions of my night, and I said I would answer them in a little while but I had to get into the meeting.

I finally entered the meeting room, and looked around, I found my group and sat down. They all looked at me, then asked where Leslie was. I told them I was sure she was fine, as she came walking in with a smile on her face. That was all I needed to know, but she probably got the real thing. Slut I thought. as she sat down next to me. I asked if she had gotten any sleep, and she said she got enough, but would probably take a nap at lunch. I thought the same thing.

It wasn't until an hour into the meeting that I remembered my phone. I opened it up and had 10 new messages. I ignored my husbands and opened Larry's up. Only 4 messages I thought, I must be losing my touch. I started reading them. The first was goodnight with a kiss, then good morning with another kiss, then I hope I didn't keep you up too late, then I am getting worried. Ok, I thought, he made it up to me with a little giggle.

I texted him back and said I had woken late and that I hadn't looked at my phone, but I was alive and well. I asked him how he was doing, and he responded with a little tired, but excited to see me. I thought hold on, who said anything about that, when I felt a dampening in my crotch. I looked back at the screen and thought what the hell.

I asked him what he had in mind as images danced in my head. He responded with dinner and drinks. I switched back to my husbands texts and read each one. I was surprised at how excited he was. I asked him if he really liked fantasizing about this and a resounding yes was sent back. I told him I have no plans of taking this anywhere, then dropped the bombshell that he just asked me to dinner.

I then sent Larry a text asking where and when he wanted to meet. My husbands reply was waiting for me right after I sent the message. He asked if I was going to go. I said we will see, then started recounting the events of last night. His responses started troubling me about what he envisioned, but it was his fantasy so let it go. One message caught me by surprise. It was him asking me to take him bare! I was shocked that it had even gotten this far, but what the hell! I could never do that! I don't even have my diaphragm. I told him no, and to drop it immediately. That was out of the question.

All the while Larry and I are just flirting away. He kept telling me how sexy I am, and how he can't stop looking at the pics from last night. I told him to delete them, but he refused! I told him he will never get another one if he doesn't, wait, I didn't even plan on sending him more. What has gotten in to me. I'm like a school girl.

It was finally lunch and all I could think about was getting some rest. I went to my room, texted Larry that I was going to nap, and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up an hour later shaking and all out of sorts, then I remembered where I was. I freshened up and went back downstairs for the meeting. Let the flirting continue I thought.

I opened my phone and to my surprise, there he was, naked in his room at lunch thinking about me. I immediately got damp again and had to cross my legs. His cock was so hard and so long, I thought he would tear me apart. I had to pull my jaw off the floor and try to concentrate. I praised him, and the next words I typed shocked me. I said "I can't wait to see it in person!" What the hell am I saying. I sent the pic to my husband who responded with an equally impressive pic of his jizz all over his stomach, telling me he can't wait to hear about what we did and how far I would take this. I had to admit, I was getting more and more turned on. The meeting droned on for hours, until everyone was done speaking and it was time to go. I was excited and scared for what the night had in store for me.

My girlfriends were busy making plans as I headed up for a quick nap. Dinner was at 7, so I had time to nap and shower. My husband sent me a text of what I should wear for my first date. I laughed at the thought of him telling me to wear me what to wear for another guy. I got into my room and crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Half an hour later and I was up and getting into the shower. I quickly rinsed off and jumped out of the shower. Just enough time to shave my legs and trim my bush. As I ran my fingers across my hairless mound, I felt my exposed clit and it sent a shock through my body. I wish I had time to masturbate myself to completion, but I just had enough time to turn myself on even more.

I looked at the clock, an hour to go. I did my makeup and fixed my hair, then went to look for something to wear. The idea of being out with someone other than my husband was scary. I had a million thoughts running through my head and I just couldn't keep my thoughts controlled. Then I thought about my husband and packing all this sexy lingerie and that sexy black dress that he so conveniently packed for me.

I started with my lace black thong, along with the matching black lace bra. Then came the black garter belt and thigh high stockings. I grabbed my patent leather 4" sling backs to finish the outfit. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. I thought, wow did I look like a slut. I decided to tease my husband, but thought better for a minute. I slipped on the mid-length strappy black dress my husband packed for me, checked my make-up one more time, then looked at my phone. It was 6:45.

My husband just texted me. I decide to open it. It was very simple, just said I hope you have a great time, text when you can, and you have one more present to get out of your bag. Look in the small compartment on the side of the bag that you never use. Please think about what I asked you for earlier. I went over to my bag, opened up the small compartment and found a box with a bow on it. I opened the box and found 6 condoms in there. Under the box was my Diaphragm box.

I wondered how long my husband had been sending me on my trips with this. He must be grinning from ear to ear finally being able to give me this. I texted him back thank you, I found your presents, and I will let you know if I have to use them. I snapped a quick pic of me in the dress, but conveniently left out my legs to not give anything away. He had asked me to wear this outfit with the garter and stockings, but I laughed and said in your dreams, but yet here I was. The only thing I didn't wear that he had asked me to was my black crotchless panties. A girl had to have some modesty. I sent him the pic, set the phone on the dresser and walked out the door.

Dinner was very nice, good food, lots of wine, and good company. We talked and flirted the entire time. I couldn't believe this guy was interested in me. Tall, he had to be over 6 feet tall. I don't know what I thought last night when I said he was non-descript. He was gorgeous, and his eyes were a piercing blue. I could stare into those eyes all night long.

A couple times he caught me just daydreaming while looking into his eyes. Talking to him was like talking to my best friend from High School. The conversations just rolled from one to the next. I could feel my panties getting damper every minute. I wanted this man. I wanted to feel what that massive cock between his legs would feel like in my hands, my mouth, even sliding deep inside my pussy. The whole time I could feel my resolve to only take it so far diminishing.

After dinner, we decided to go to a bar around the corner from the hotel, hoping no one would recognize me there. They all knew I was married and this was so far out of character for me, I didn't want anyone to have any gossip about me back at the office. We danced and chatted and drank a few more drinks, finally he said it was getting late, and he should walk me back to my room, no one as beautiful as I should be walking alone.

I agreed, he paid the tab, and we walked hand in hand back to the hotel. As soon as we entered the hotel I let go of his hand and we walked quickly to the elevator. I pushed the button for my floor, but he didn't push his. As soon as the elevator door closed I turned, looked him deep in the eyes and leaned in for my first kiss. He didn't disappoint. His arms wrapped around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck. We stayed like that, our lips never parting, our tongues dancing with each other. I pressed my body up against his and felt his growing cock pressing against my belly. I just imagined it straining inside his tight pants trying to find it's way out of it's confinement.

The elevator made its way to my floor way too quickly, and we lingered kissing almost too long and broke away just as the doors started to close. He reached out and politely held the door as we both entered the long hallway. We were holding hands all the way to my door, and as we got to the door, he leaned in and resumed right where we had left off. I was in no hurry to open the door, because I still hadn't decided how far I wanted this to go, but each kiss pushed me closer to the point of no return.

I felt his swelling cock pressing against me, and wondered if he could smell my desire as well. His hands began wandering down the small of my back and stopped short of my ass. I was panting into his mouth. Finally our kiss broke and I fumbled with the key for the room. I turned to him, grabbed his hand and lead him into the dark room.

I turned on the light, dropped my purse and the room key on the dresser, then turned around and leaned into him. He obliged and picked up right where he left off. This time my hands were roaming his strong muscular back, feeling my way down to his tight ass. I felt his hands roaming lower until they passed my garter belt, then lower still till he passed my thong, until the thin material of my dress was the only barrier between his hands and my bare ass.

I was getting very worked up, and needed to slow down. I broke the kiss, told him to make himself comfortable, grabbed my phone, then excused myself to the bathroom to freshen up. As soon as I closed the door, I checked my phone. It was already 11:30, I had 15 new messages. I decided to look at them while I fixed my makeup. I responded to my friends saying I was fine.

I opened my husbands messages. I read each one, then stopped at the very last one. He begged me to just use the diaphragm. Said he would love to know that his faithful wife of 10 years is sleeping with someone else's cum inside me. I was floored. What if it failed, what if he had an STD. Too many questions. I knew that right now I was still in my safe time, but just barely. I planned on using the diaphragm no matter what, but this was absurd. I pulled the diaphragm out of its case, pulled my panties down and inserted my fail safe inside me. I then pulled my panties up, took a picture of my lingerie, and sent it to my husband. The caption said, "I hope he likes it".

I took one more picture of the empty diaphragm box and the condom I would have him wear and said fat chance. I turned my phone off, plugged it in, grabbed the condom and put it in the cup of my bra, then stepped out the door.

I figured he would have left or fallen asleep with how long I was in there, but thankfully he was neither. He was sitting on the couch looking at his phone. As I walked out, he put his phone down, and praised me as he stood up. I commented back on how good he looked and how glad I was he wasn't asleep. He walked up to me, gently reached around my neck, then leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back as I reached around his back and pulled him closer to me. This went on for what felt like an eternity. We were passionately kissing and fondling each other, then I felt the hem of my dress start to rise. I did nothing to stop it, and finally felt his bare hand on my ass.

I leaned back and started frantically removing his tie, then each button of his shirt. I had to see those washboard abbs for myself. He started pulling up my dress, so I assisted him in removing it. He stepped back and his jaw hit the floor. He couldn't believe what I was wearing. He said he loved the look of sexy lingerie and how perfect I looked in them. I was blushing so hard I could feel my cheeks burning. I reached for his undershirt and pulled it out of the waistband of his trousers. He took the hint and helped me shed his shirt, while I went to work on his belt and then the button of his pants.

I quickly unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. His boxer briefs were completely tented as I pressed myself against his nearly naked body. I felt his hands roaming my bare back and felt his chest and that monster pressing up against my stomach. He slid up, and started removing my bra. By now I was completely light headed. I just wanted to feel his naked skin against mine.

I felt him unhook the clasp and felt the bra fall free from my breasts. We parted long enough for the bra to fall completely to the floor, condom and all. I was out of my mind. I grabbed his neck and pulled him with me as I laid on the bed. He was laying up against me, our legs intertwined, our hands roaming up and down each others bodies. He started kissing my neck and then my clavicle. His left hand was pinned under me, but his right hand was caressing my breast. It felt so good.

I had been missing the passion in my life for some time. My husband and I made love 2 to 3 times a week, but it was almost mechanical. Occasionally he would go down on me, which always got me off, or we would have morning sex, but rarely was it animalistic. Last year on our vacation was the last time I felt that passion between us.

This was far more raw. There was a need, a yearning between us, and both of us wanted to see how far the other would go. I was in heaven. I was rubbing the back of his head as he started to kiss down my chest toward my breast. His hand started going further down until he reached my garter belt. He felt it for a second, then sighed into my chest as he moved his mouth down to my breast.

His hand continued farther down my body until he reached the waistband of my tiny thong. This was the smallest thong I owned. It was black, had a small V in front and just a string T in the back. It was a few inches shorter in front than I liked, but he seemed to like it very much. His hand was a mere inch from my mound and I was doing everything I could to coax him into going lower. He was driving me crazy. I was wiggling and arching my back until he finally moved his hand down to my clit.

He hit it just right the first time then started gently rubbing it though the thin material. I reached over and started rubbing his cock through his boxer briefs. It felt huge in my hand, and very hard. I started thinking it may not fit, but I sure as hell was going to try. A thought passed through my head as I laid there rubbing his cock and feeling his fingers work their magic. my husband was probably sitting there at his computer reading these stories while I was acting them out. If only I could tell him what was happening and how his faithful wife was stroking a strangers cock and feeling the same mans hand rubbing somewhere only he and I had touched intimately for what seemed like an eternity.

I finally made the next move and began pulling down his boxers. They were hung up on his hard cock, so he released my nipple and took his hand away from my clit. He lifted up and removed his boxers and out sprung this enormous monster. I gasped as I look at it. I reached down and felt it's girth and weight in my hands, looked him in the eye and told him I wanted every inch of him inside me tonight.

He said he would gladly oblige as we began kissing each other. He started working my panties off as best he could with one hand, so I reluctantly let go of his tool, reached down with both hands, and started pulling off my panties. I had slipped my panties to the outside of my garter straps in the bathroom. My husband loves when I leave the stockings and garter belt on when we are having sex. It really does amp it up for both of us, so I figured why not with Larry. He deserved every bit of what my husband gets, maybe more.

As I felt my panties slide down my legs and bare my most private area, I thought for a second, no turning back now. Even if my husband could somehow telepathically beg me to stop, I didn't think I could. Once they were finally off, I turned towards him, wrapped my arms around him, and started kissing him. I started nibbling on his ear as I could feel his hard cock pulse against my stomach. It was so hard, and I could feel the heat coming off of it. It was only a few inches from its intended target, and I was not going to resist one bit. I did remember the condom though.

He picked it up from the floor and handed it to me. I opened the package and slid it down his massive tool. It only covered half the length of his cock, and I hoped that would be enough. He then leaned forward and started kissing me again. I could feel his hard cock rubbing against my wet pussy seeking out the entrance. I finally whispered into his ear, "Take me now, I want to feel all of you inside me."

We moved on the bed like we had done this together a million times before. My legs were spread and he was nestled perfectly between them. We were still making out as I felt him grind his stiff cock into my pelvic bone. He was rubbing the shaft in between my lips, grinding that monster into my clit. This was driving me crazy. I finally reached down, grabbed him, and guided him into my sweet spot. I held on to him imagining me being below us, seeing my hand grabbing him, and guiding him into me. He began thrusting gently and I could feel my wetness start to coat the tip of his cock.

I felt the head slowly slide past my muscles and lodge itself just inside me. He pulled back then pushed forward again. I could feel it go a little deeper this time. I pulled my hand away from his cock, wrapped my arms around his neck, and shifted my ass a little to give him a better angle. This time I felt him slide a few more inches into me.

I figured this was about where my husbands cock would be completely inside of me, but not my Adonis'. He pulled back and I felt him go a couple more inches past that point and I still didn't feel his pubic bone. I thought what have I gotten myself into? There was a little pain from having something that big inside me, but that quickly subsided as I felt him pull back out almost completely and slide the entire length into my hot wet pussy. I felt him bottom out on my cervix and thought, I hope he doesn't dislodge my diaphragm.

The feelings were incredible. I pulled him down on top of me and started kissing him deeply as I felt him slide slowly out then slowly in, bottoming out, then doing it over again and again. It wasn't just a quick fuck, but really taking his time and enjoying feeling my inner most depths. I started grinding my pussy into him every time we would drive himself into me and bottom out. The feelings this was creating were out of this world. I started feeling a tingling in my toes, then up my legs, into my crotch and across my stomach as my first orgasm ripped through my body. He stopped and stayed still as I ground my mound into him and my muscles tightened around his hard cock invading me. It felt so damn good. I was sweating and grinding until I finally came down from it.

He just looked at me and said, "feel better?" I said I haven't cum so hard in my entire life. He promised me there was more of that to come. I just said "Please." He started rocking himself back and forth inside me as I felt another one coming. Damn, he knew how to move, I thought. I kept grinding back, showing I wasn't afraid to take it. Then it hit me again and I started cumming all over him. I couldn't stop. It was just wave after wave coming over me.

Finally it subsided, and we got back to more pressing matters. I had to make him cum! It wasn't that I wanted him to, I had to. I had to give him the same feelings he gave me. We were making out and I would alternate to his ear then back to his mouth. I felt him start to speed up a little and I hoped he was getting close. A quick thought went through my mind, and as I got closer to cumming as well, I couldn't get it out of there. I leaned over, took his ear into my mouth started grinding my pussy harder onto his cock, and surprised myself as I heard the words leave my mouth. "Cum for me baby, please, please cum for me. I want you to feel as good as I feel. Do it, push your hard cock deep inside me and cum. Cum in me!"

I heard his breathing get labored, felt him slamming himself harder down inside me, felt the tip of his cock press against my cervix with every thrust. I felt his legs tense up, his back arch, his cock expand then one last thrust threw us both over the edge as I felt his cock start pulsing inside me, knowing that he was releasing what felt like gallons into the condom.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow. Our sweaty bodies joined as we kissed. I felt his cock twitch a couple more times, then start to get soft. I looked down as his cock was pulled out of me, and was in shock. All I could see was the ring of the condom at the base of his cock. He was equally shocked.

I quickly got up, grabbed my panties and headed to the bathroom. I cleaned myself off, grabbed my phone, looked at it for a second, then just sent my husband, "I'm going to sleep now. Your fantasy is 100% complete. Sweet dreams". I replaced my panties, grabbed the matching nightie and headed off to bed. Larry asked if he should go, and I dismissed the idea.

He got up to use the bathroom, then returned and climbed into bed completely naked. He curled up behind me, wrapped his arms around me then we drifted off to sleep. Just before I fell asleep, I thought about all the cum he had just pumped into me and how much I was hoping the diaphragm hadn't been moved.

At around 3, I woke up and decided to use the bathroom. While I was in there I took my diaphragm out like I always do. Once I was done, I headed back to bed. I slept like a baby until about 5. I felt him stirring then felt his arm wrap around me and he pressed his body tightly up against me. I could feel his massive cock up against my ass. I felt his hand resting on my breast through the thin material, I felt his breathing on my neck, and it was starting to get me wet.

I was still half asleep, but I started wiggling my ass against his cock just slightly. I figured no harm in getting him equally as turned on. I felt him respond by pressing his cock harder against my ass, then I felt his hand move down my body, across my stomach, and just rest between my legs. I spread my legs a little for him and that's when he started rubbing my clit through my panties.

The more he rubbed, the more I pressed back against him. It was like a silent battle to see who could turn who on more. I didn't know if he was asleep or awake, and I really didn't care. After a few minutes, I slid my ass forward until I felt his hard cock slide down my ass crack and lay against my thigh between my legs. I then slid back, feeling the head of his cock trace it's entire way across my pussy up to my clit and his fingers.

I was shocked that I still wasn't completely pressed against him yet. I started moving back and forth against his fingers and his cock, feeling the tip rub along my slit until it touched my clit again and again. His fingers were still working their magic, and now I had 2 toys playing with me. I was getting so turned on feeling all of this going on, hoping he was still asleep. That's when I felt it, I pressed hard against his cock on this last pass, and it got stuck at my entrance. I pushed a little harder, making it hurt but feel good at the same time, knowing my panties were there to protect me, and they moved just slightly. I felt the bare tip contact my bare lip and it sent a jolt through me.

I stopped moving, and that's when I felt him give a little push. I felt his fingers start peeling my panties to the side and once they were completely out of the way, he started pushing again. This time it slipped past my entrance and traced it's way all the way to my clit. He grabbed his cock and started rubbing the tip against my clit, just like he was doing with his fingers. damn that felt so good. I didn't want him to stop.

I started gyrating my hips and quietly moaning as I felt him start to kiss my neck. I slid myself back and forth against him as he kept the tip firmly pressed against my clit. I started sliding farther away, then back towards him, this all went on for a few minutes, until I took it too far. I pulled away just like I was doing, and when I went to slide back, I felt it stop at my entrance. I felt the tip just starting to penetrate me as I felt him bend slightly.

I stopped pushing back and just laid there, as still as I could. I felt his hand slide my nightie all the way to my hip as his bare hand grabbed my hip and he started pushing against me. I felt my pussy start to open up even more, but just then it slipped out and slid all the way past my clit. I spread my legs a little more, felt him pull back all the way past my opening then try one more time.

It did the same thing, pressed against my opening, then just before sliding home, it popped out and slid past my clit again. I wanted to see how long he would tease us, so I just laid there waiting for the third pass. This time I arched my back a little and tilted my pelvis back more. I felt him slide back against my clit, then against my opening and stop. I felt his hand grip my hip a little harder and I ran my hand down to intertwine them with his fingers.

I felt him slowly push forward, I felt the tip hit my opening and stop, just like it had the last 2 times, but this time I arched my back even more, and as he pushed forward, I felt the tip pressing harder into my opening. He stopped moving, and I felt his hand pulling me back so I started pushing back against him as I felt his head just slip inside me. It felt like fireworks had gone off in my head. I stopped moving and just felt it there for a second.

Then he started pushing more into me. His hand had a good grip on my hip as if I was going to try to get away. On the contrary, I started pushing back slowly, trying to match his thrust forward. I felt it go past the point my husbands would end, and keep on going. He was just gently pushing into me, and I was gently pushing back on to him. I could feel him going farther and farther inside me. Finally I felt his pelvis press against my ass and his tip gently caress my cervix.

I smiled inside, knowing I had all of him inside me. We both stopped moving completely as he wrapped his arm around me and started kissing my neck again. I loved feeling his entire body pressed up against me and his cock firmly lodged inside me. I whispered to him to go back to sleep, and I told myself to try to do the same, play time was over. I closed my eyes relishing the feelings I was feeling when I started feeling him thrust ever so slightly. First they were slow, just enough to feel the tip leave my cervix then back against it. Oh my, I was in heaven.

He kept moving back and forth slowly and I was getting caught up in it. Again I told him to go to sleep, there would be time before we had to get up to finish this, and he pushed all the way back into me, almost taking my breath away and stopped, pressing against my ass and cervix just like before, but with a harder bump. We laid like that for a few more minutes, and as soon as I heard him take that almost asleep breath, I started wiggling my ass up against him.

I felt his cock twitch inside me and he began thrusting again. I felt his grip on my breast get a little tighter and his thrusts started getting bolder. This time I started pushing back, gently rocking my hips to his movements. Each time he would thrust forward, I would feel the tip of his cock brush against my cervix. He was going to make me cum in no time. I tried holding out for him, but I just didn't have the will power.

He knew it as well and started thrusting harder. I was whimpering, whispering to him to make me cum. Then it hit me like a train, from my toes all the way to my head. He held still and held me as I thrashed against his body. I thought he was holding me to make sure his cock didn't dislodge, but once I came down I knew that wouldn't happen. I ran my hand down my belly over my nightie to a small bump in my belly that wasn't there before. I thought no way was that the tip of his cock. I had never felt that before.

Then he pulled back and it disappeared. When he thrust forward, I kept my hand there and felt the slight bulge again. Damn, I thought maybe he had entered my uterus, but then a little pain at the end of the thrust made me realize he was right up against my cervix. I kept my hand there just to feel his cock inside me the entire time he was fucking me.

I started to lean forward, but he pulled me right back to him. I was getting closer imagining the onslaught my diaphragm and my cervix was taking this whole time, when I heard his breathing start to labor and his cock start to swell. I was getting close as well so I started pushing back against him even harder. I ran my hand down to my clit and started rubbing it, wanting to finish with him.

Just as I was getting there, I felt his arm wrap completely around me, pulling me even tighter to him as he made one final thrust and held himself there. That's when I felt him press hard against my cervix, my ass press against his pelvis, and his hard cock swell inside me. I actually felt the first jet of cum shoot inside me. My other hand went to my stomach where the bulge was and I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I rubbed my clit just a little more and it hit me harder than ever before.

I couldn't move from his grip, but I was grinding my ass hard against him trying to milk every drop from him. I even stroked the head a little through my belly making sure he emptied every drop inside me. When we finally came down, he released his grip on me slightly, kissed my neck, and we fell back to sleep. His cock still firmly implanted inside me.

An hour later I woke with a startle. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 6:30. I didn't have to be in my meeting till 9, but I gently shook him and asked what time he had to be ready. He said 8, but it takes him no time to get ready. About that time, I felt his softened cock twitch inside me.

I've never felt a cock actually go from semi-soft to hard inside my body, but I was sure going to try. I started flexing my muscles gently, but not moving for fear of dislodging him. He responded by nuzzling and kissing my neck. Immediately I started feeling him swelling inside me. He wasn't completely inside, but about half of him was still in there. Once I felt him get completely hard, I pushed my ass back against him, grabbed his hand, and rolled him on top of me from behind. I was amazed he didn't slip out. He stayed with me the whole time.

Once he was on top of me, I arched my back and pushed my ass up against him. He whispered in my ear he has never had a better invitation. I said, I've never given one before, but thought in my mind, I'll outdo this tonight, and I smiled. I felt him start to thrust inside me again, as I ran my hand down my belly to see if I could still feel the tip. Once I touched it, I felt him buck a little.

He said that feels really good. he's never had anyone play with his cock while it was firmly lodged inside of them. I told him I couldn't do this with anyone before, but it was so exciting. I felt him draw back, then press forward again, over and over again while I played with his tip. I didn't think I would be able to cum again, but just as I heard his breathing get faster, felt his legs start tensing up, I knew what was about to come. I arched my back even more, then felt his weight drop on me, his arms wrap around me, and I felt his hot breath on my ear as he whispered he was about to cum inside me again. I told him his cum belonged inside me, and that that was where he was to shoot it until I went home.

His breathing got more intense, then he asked me what about getting pregnant, I whispered there was a chance I could if my diaphragm failed, and with as long of a cock as he has, there was a good chance he may have moved it out of the way. He started getting wilder with me, then whispered he hoped he moved it out of the way cause he wants to send me home with a present.

At that I arched my back even more, pushed back as hard as I could as I waited for his next and hopefully final thrust, and just as he bottomed out, I felt him twitch even harder than the last time and his cock swell even larger. There was a small pain right where our bodies were joined at their most intimate spot inside me. That, mixed with this naughty talk, and me hoping my diaphragm had been pushed out of the way and that he was emptying his seed directly into my womb sent me way over the edge. I knew that I was still a day away from my most fertile time, but it was hot while the moment lasted.

I also knew there is always a slight chance I could ovulate a day early. As I came to my senses, I started hoping he hadn't dislodged it, but I couldn't tell right now with him so deep inside me. He finally got up, I stood up and we kissed deeply as I let him out of my room.

The shower felt wonderful on my hot, overworked body. I let the water run over every inch of me for a few minutes, then scrubbed myself down. Once out of the shower, I started putting on my makeup as I felt a little dribble escape my pussy. I thought, damn, I'm gonna be leaking all day. I don't think my husband thought I would take it this far, but I couldn't wait to have more of this man.

I picked up my phone and started reading the messages. Just a few from last night. Damn, That's hot. Too bad, you should lose the rubber, then, maybe it will break, then the last one surprised me. Too bad you are wearing your diaphragm. It would be hot if the condom broke and he accidentally came in you.

The last was a picture of him, cumming all over his stomach. Needless to say I was very turned on, but that one surprised me. How far did he think I would go, then I thought about how hot and how turned on I got when I was pretending Larry was shooting into my bare pussy. I almost had to make myself cum. I stopped playing with myself and finished getting ready. I went and grabbed my panties and bra for the day, then a wicked thought crossed my mind. I put them on, then posed in front of the mirror, one for my husband and one for my lover.

I snapped the images of my ass in a white thong, like a good girl and sent them to both my guys. I looked back at the text from my husband. I thought, I'll show you, then I walked into the bathroom, grabbed the case and started to open it. I was going to show him that that will never happen. I hadn't even decided if I was going to tell him about letting him be bare inside me any of the times.

As I opened the case, my heart sank. How is that possible? I know I inserted it last night. I almost broke down as I stared at the full case with the perfectly clean and intact diaphragm in it. Then I remembered taking it out. My husband never has enough left for round 2, let alone 3. What the hell was I going to do? I let him actually cum inside me twice this morning. I frantically looked at my calendar. Today was the last day of my safe period. I wouldn't ovulate until tomorrow. I started to relax a little, then decided what's done is done. Tonight I will have to be extra safe, if I do anything at all.

I walked down to the meeting still glowing from this morning and found my group. We exchanged stories, but of course mine was a lie. I'm sure Leslie's was as well, then the meeting started. I looked at my phone and there was a message from Larry. Had a great time. Can't wait to see you tonight. Any luck? The last one was you look so hot! I thought about any luck, then it hit me, was he able to push it out of the way.

I decided to lie and say no such luck but a wicked thought crossed my mind. So I continued and said you never know, you might be able to tonight and hit send. Who was this sending these messages? What was wrong with me? I was getting wet all over again, or was it his cum still leaking out of me?

My husband finally texted and was just floored by my pictures last night and this morning. I told him as much detail as I could, leaving out some damning parts. He didn't need to know about me leaking his cum all day or that the diaphragm wasn't in this morning. Then he asked if the condom broke, and I said yes. He was elated. Then he asked if I left the diaphragm in both times? Yes, I lied, so sue me. He asked if I was going to see him again and I confirmed that we had plans for dinner tonight. He asked what I was going to wear. I hadn't thought that far ahead, plus I was on a mission to see how "inviting" I could be.

I told him I had no idea. He didn't pack me 2 dresses. He asked what time we would finish today, and I told him around 4. He asked if there was anywhere to buy something, I thought about it and remember seeing a mall. Maybe the shuttle can take me. He told me since he got me in to this mess, he would buy my outfit. I was to put it on his card, but he got to see it first. I agreed. What a wonderful husband, dressing me for my lover.

Larry texted around lunch to see how I was doing, I responded a little tired, but after a quick nap I should be good for the night. He said the same thing, then invited me to his room for a nap. As tempting as it was, I really needed to get some rest, so I politely declined and said you will get more tonight. Don't worry.

I made my way to my room, looked in the bathroom at that damn case, then made my way to the bed and crashed hard for an hour. I barely made it back to the meetings in time, but kept thinking they were lasting longer and longer as the day went by. 4 was finally here, and they kept us longer than planned. Damn, I hope I have enough time to go buy something.

4:15 and we were walking out the door. I hurried to the shuttle, gave the guy a 20, and asked him to wait in the parking lot. He said he couldn't but gave me his cell and said he would be here in 5 minutes. I exited the van and made my way into the mall. My first stop was VS but it was all kinda tame for my last night with this man. I found the Frederick's store and made my way inside. I was going to stick to the good girl theme from this morning, white bustier, thigh highs, and then, the piece de resistance, a matching white crotchless thong. How else could I make myself more inviting?

Off to Macy's I went. Amazingly it didn't take long to find a nice cocktail dress and 4" heels to match. I called the number and made my way back to the hotel. 5:30. Just enough time for a quick nap, then to get ready. Dinner was semi-formal, according to Larry, and my husband was driving me crazy. I turned my phone off, and took a quick nap.

I awoke in a frenzy but quickly realized I had plenty of time. I laid out my clothes, and went about fixing my makeup and my hair. I came out of the bathroom completely nude, and decided to send my husband a nice side picture. I also sent a picture with the diaphragm in the box. I went to work getting all my lingerie in place and setting out my white nightie from the other night. Once everything was in place, I took a quick pic and sent it on to my husband saying thank you. I hope he likes it.

The response was classic. He had already cum. I asked him what that was about and he said that I was going out dressed to fuck, and I wasn't taking anything with me. I told him no way was I going to do anything until I got back. Did he want me to come home pregnant? I set the phone down then slid into my dress and shoes. One last pic and just before I sent it there was a reply. He just said, if it happens it happens. I was floored. How long had he had these thoughts? How much of a slut did he think I was? I was steaming. I decided to leave it alone or he would ruin my night. I said not a chance and sent him my final pic. With that I set the phone down and walked out the door. I was greeted with open arms in the lobby and whistles from some co-workers. I smiled at them and walked towards the cab.

The drive wasn't too long and dinner was fabulous. The wine went straight to my head, and the dirty talk was driving me wild. He started asking what it would take to dislodge it, then why did I have to wear it at all. I decided to come clean, I think the wine made me do it, and I confessed that I didn't have it in either time this morning, but countered that I was still safe and if he wants it, he will have to fight for it. I couldn't stop giggling after saying that. I kept remembering how deep he was and how fantastic he felt.

I was rubbing my stocking clad leg up and down his leg, getting closer and closer to his crotch. Thankfully, the tablecloth was long and I could have my way with him right there. He asked if I was ready right now, and I said no, I left it in the room. He motioned for me to come closer, then said meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes. I said no and slapped his arm. He said why not start trying now. I had to admit all this talk was really going to my head.

Finally I said, how would that even work. He pointed at the bathroom and said they are single stalls. You can lock the door. With that, he stood up, excused himself and said he expected me to join him in 3 minutes. I couldn't believe him. I told him no, but here I was drinking wine and feeling no pain. The fire between my legs was unbearable. I was itching to get him inside me, but I was going to hold to my resolve. After a couple minutes, I couldn't take it anymore.

I stood up, walked for what seemed an eternity, and stopped right outside the door. It was like someone else knocking on the door. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. The door briefly opened and I felt my hand being pulled inside. He was kissing me and touching me and telling me how he couldn't wait any longer, that I was so sexy and he had to see what I was wearing under my dress. I felt the hem of the dress start to rise as I basked in the attention. My body was on fire, but I was trying to keep my resolve.

I pressed against him and enjoyed the feeling, then his hand worked under my dress, I felt his hand slide from my stocking, to my bare thigh, and he let out a sigh, then it moved even farther up and I felt his hand brush against my panties. He started pressing his finger into the gusset of my panties and they slipped right through and he was now touching my clit. I started stroking his cock through his trousers until he was hard as a rock. I wasn't going to give in that easy. I gave him one last kiss, turned towards the door, fixed my dress,unlocked it and walked back to our table.

It was a few minutes until he arrived. I kissed him and told him there will be plenty of time tonight. I was already feeling the effects of the wine. He wasn't too happy, but a quick tap of my stocking covered toe to his semi hard cock told him he wasn't going to have to wait too long. I winked and he paid the check. We walked out holding hands and got into the cab.

It was still early when we arrived back at the hotel. I was so turned on after our little tryst in the bathroom, I couldn't wait to get back to the room. We headed straight for the elevator, and once inside, I turned to him, reached around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. My hands were roaming up and down his muscular back as his hands were firmly gripping my nice round ass through my dress. Pretty soon I felt the hem of my dress start rising and his warm hand was caressing my bare cheek. I'm not much of an exhibitionist, but we were alone in the elevator, so I didn't say anything.

My hand quickly made it's way to his tight ass as he pulled my body even tighter against him. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my stomach and couldn't wait to release it from it's confinement. My thoughts kept going back to our little encounter in the bathroom and what would have happened if I had let him have his way with me. He was so turned on, I thought he would have taken me anyway, despite my protests. Too bad I thought.

Our elevator ride was way too short, but once on my floor we walked quickly to my room. Finally at the door, I quickly opened it, turned to him, grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to me as we made our way inside.

We kissed all the way to the bed. My new dress was already on the floor, his shirt and trousers were there as well. I was clawing at his boxer briefs trying to relieve him and his massive cock of their restraints. As we fell onto the bed, he was finally freed of his boxers and I pulled him on top of me. His muscles were tense and there was a determination in his eyes that I hadn't seen previously.

I was his prey, he wanted nothing more than to conquer me. I don't think I could have stopped him, even if I had tried, and who said I was trying. I wanted him more than I had wanted anyone else. Thoughts of my husband were fleeting. Every now and then I would imagine him stroking his cock on the bed or in front of his computer screen as he thought about what his naughty wife was doing, but right now, it was all about me and what Larry was doing to me.

He kissed his way to my ear, then my neck, then down my chest. He pulled my breast out from the corset and started sucking on it as he ran his fingers down the front of my panties. His fingers found the opening in my panties and started rubbing my clit, then he moved them lower and started sliding 1 then 2 fingers deep inside me. I was writhing and moaning as he teased me. Soon he was sliding down even further until I felt his hot breath on my pussy.

His fingers were still inside me as he leaned in and started kissing my lips. He then easily parted them and a jolt shot through me all the way to my toes. He was an expert in every way. He would lick then suck my clit, finger me harder then softer. Bringing right to the edge then letting me down softly. I was so turned on, I couldn't think anymore. I just wanted to cum. I wanted to soak his face with my juices. I grabbed his head and pulled him tight against my pussy. He started licking and sucking for all it was worth. I wasn't going to let go. I needed to cum. I needed him to make me cum, and wow, once it hit, I was rocked from head to toe. It was so hard I think I passed out for a second.

When I opened my eyes, his face was up by mine and I could feel him rubbing his hard cock against my pussy. I pulled his face to mine and pushed my tongue into his mouth. I could taste me on his lips and his tongue. It was fantastic. I kept arching my body up as he continued to tease me with his monster cock. I could feel him rub lower towards my entrance, then back up to my clit. Each time he would go lower, I would thrust my pussy up to try to catch him, but he would stop and bring it back to my clit. I was going crazy. Finally I pulled his head down, started sucking his ear and told him to put his cock inside me.

He moved his cock lower and I matched him by thrusting upwards until it finally hit the spot. I felt him press forward with a little pressure as my lips parted. His cock was wet with his precum and my juices, but it still was a tight fit. He lifted himself over me, then began thrusting his hips forward and back, causing his cock to slide in a little at a time. I was holding his arms, feeling his muscles flex as he would thrust into me. I looked down to his abdomen and watched as his abbs would flex, then looked past that to see his large cock slowly entering me.

I almost came from the sight and the pressure he was causing inside me. I looked back up into his eyes and they were filled with passion. As he leaned down to kiss me, I felt his pelvis meet mine, and I knew he was completely inside me. The feeling was incredible. He started thrusting inside me, first slowly, then faster and faster. I figured he wouldn't last long with all the teasing going on, and I was right. Just as I was nearing my first orgasm, I felt his body tense. I looked into his eyes and said "cum for me baby, please cum." He looked down and asked where, I didn't even have to think about it, I wrapped my legs and arms around him and said "inside me". That was all it took,

Just as he tensed up and I felt the first hot jet spray my insides, I felt my orgasm explode and rip through my body. I could feel the head of his hard cock pressed up against my cervix and remembered I didn't have my diaphragm in. Each jet was hitting my cervix directly. I was a little conflicted about this, and that I just begged him to fill me up, thinking I could get pregnant. I began to think about what my husband would think, but then it is his fault this all started.

I gently caressed his back and legs as I felt his cock still twitching inside me. Just feeling him twitch inside me caused a small orgasm inside me and I gripped his back as I came down from it. He was still panting and breathing heavy into my ear as he tried to catch his breath. When we finally caught our breaths, he rolled over and I rolled right into his arm and laid my head on his chest. He was still breathing heavy but he looked at me and kissed me deeply.

I could feel his cum already leaking from me, but I was still very horny. I started playing with his wet, half-hard cock with my hands, then started kissing my way down his body. I propped myself up on my arm, took a deep breath, opened my mouth and slid his cock in as far as it could go. I could taste our mixed juices on it and relished in it. I felt him start to get hard again, so I started rubbing his balls, then let a finger linger down to his ass and started rubbing gently. His cock grew to full attention in no time. I kept my assault up until my jaw was tired and he was panting again. I took the bustier and stockings off, and as I was about to remove my panties, he said leave them on.

I threw my leg over his body, grabbed the base of his now hard cock, rubbed it on my clit for a few seconds, then angled it back and pressed the opening of my pussy down onto the tip of his cock. His eyes were wide as I slowly worked my way down the shaft until I felt his pelvic bone against mine. I started riding him, thrusting my pelvis forward and back, his hands holding tight on my hips. I reached down, grabbed his hand and moved it over my breast.

I ran my hand down my stomach until I stopped where I felt a slight bulge come and go on my belly. I knew that was his cockhead from last night. I knew it was right up against my cervix again and I loved it. I moved my hand lower to my clit and began rubbing my clit as I felt his cock slide easily inside me. The angle at which his cock was inside me was quickly bringing me to my next orgasm. Before I knew it, it was on top of me and I was trashing and bucking wildly on top of him. I didn't realize but I was driving my nails into his chest as I came. Once I came back down, I could feel how tight my grip was and he just smiled at me. His cock was still firmly wedged inside me and now it was his turn.

He tried to turn us over, but I planted my legs firmly on the bed. I then bent forward, kissing him, and started lifting and lowering myself onto him. I could feel his cock slide about half way out, then I would grind myself back down onto his cock. He grabbed my ass and started pressing me harder into him. I started kissing him harder as I felt myself approaching my next orgasm. I told him I wanted to make him cum again. He asked if I really didn't have anything blocking him, and responded that I didn't.

I felt his cock expand even more. He asked if I really could get pregnant, and I responded that there was a good chance that I might. He then asked if he could cum inside me again, and I bit my lip and ground down harder into him. I asked him how close he was, and he said very close. I moved over to his ear, lifted my pussy up his cock until I felt the tip just inside me, then whispered in his ear as I pushed my pussy down the entire length of his cock until his head was pressing against my cervix again and said, "Yes, do it, cum inside me and try to get me pregnant."

That did it for both of us. I felt his cock explode inside me just as wave after wave crashed over me. He held me tight as he released every bit of sperm he had left right against my cervix. I kept whispering, "Keep doing it, don't stop" until I felt his cock start to go down. He grabbed me and rolled me over, then laid on top of me with his cock just barely inside me, but keeping anything from escaping. I just held him close and ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed me deeply. Finally he fell out and we broke our embrace. He went to use the restroom, I followed after.

As soon as the door closed, I picked up my phone and checked my messages. There he was again, on the bed with a lap full of cum. Then 20 more messages. I skimmed through and enjoyed reading all of his nasty thoughts. If he only knew what I had done and what was still inside me. I opened the diaphragm case, took out the condoms and snapped a pic. I sent it to him with a message. We are going to sleep now. Had fun. I probably won't need these for a while. Sweet Dreams. I put my phone back down, grabbed my white nightie that matched the panties I still had on, and went to bed.

I woke around 3am with Larry sleeping right behind me. His arm wrapped around me cupping my breast. I could feel his naked semi-hard cock up against my ass. His hand was gently caressing my breast through the thin material. I started wiggling my ass around lightly, just to see what would happen.

His hand immediately started squeezing my breast, then started to wander down my belly. I got chills as his breath started to get deeper and I felt his cock starting to swell. I parted my legs slightly as his hand made it's way over the front of my panties. His fingers immediately started working their way into the crotch of my panties, my panties opened up and I felt his fingers brush against my clit.

I was still gyrating my hips as his cock was now at full attention and pressing into my back. His fingers were like magic and I was wet again. I scooted up a little until I felt his cock slip between my parted legs. I started rubbing my bare pussy across his cock, jacking him off with my pussy. Each time I thrust forward, I could feel the tip hit my clit, then feel the entire length rubbing against it. I felt him grab his cock on the next pass and push it toward my opening. He hit the spot the first time, and I pushed back until half his cock was now inside me.

He grabbed my hip and started thrusting forward. I felt him inch his way the rest of the way until I felt his pelvis against my ass. He started kissing my neck as he thrust his cock in and out of me. I leaned forward a little granting him better access to my inner most depths. I could feel his cock bumping into my cervix again, and just laid there and enjoyed every minute of it. I grabbed his hand, squeezed it and ground my ass into him. That got a loud moan out of him, so each time he would bottom out I started gyrating harder.

I could feel his cock head pressing harder against my cervix each time he bottomed out like he was trying to enter my womb. I felt his breathing getting labored and knew he was getting close. I leaned back into him, felt his breath on my neck and whispered back to him. "Cum for me". I felt his cock expand again, then as he thrust deep, I felt the first splash of cum hit my cervix directly. He kept thrusting and on every thrust, he would bottom out and unleash more semen directly against it. On his last thrust, he pushed it deep inside me and just held it there.

My hand ran down my nightie to the small bulge in my belly as I felt his last spurt inseminate me. I didn't move and neither did he. I couldn't tell if he had just fucked me in his sleep or if he had passed out. I just laid there for a few minutes feeling his cock shrink down ever so slightly. I fell asleep with his cock still shrinking.

My alarm started going off at 7. As I woke, I felt his cock head still inside me. I thought about the night before, and earlier this morning. I couldn't believe how brazen I was and how much trouble I would probably be in if I actually did get pregnant. It's one thing to play around. I didn't know how my husband would handle it if it actually did happen.

I pulled away and decided I should shower and try to get as much of it out of me as I could. I closed the door to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I opened my messages and there was a picture of my husband grinning. He had already gotten the kids off to school and he was anxiously waiting for me to return. He asked about my night, and if I really didn't use any protection. He also asked how many times we had had sex and if I didn't at least make him pull out.

I answered as truthfully as I could, leaving out the 3am tryst and the fact that I woke up with his cock still inside me. I told him I was all his from this point out and I would be home shortly. I hopped into the shower and rinsed myself off as best as I could. I finished up and dried off. I swear there was still some leaking out of me. I grabbed my brand new red thong panty and matching bra and put them on.

I started doing my makeup and hair. I grabbed the new matching red dress I had bought for the plane ride home and slipped it on. If I was going to act like a slut, I better look like one for my husband I thought when I bought them yesterday. I started packing up my makeup when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and Larry was standing there naked. I felt him brush up against me as we passed in the doorway.

After he was done, he opened the door and asked if I minded if he showered here. I said gladly. He turned on the shower while I gathered my things from the room and packed them all up. I walked into the bathroom to grab my makeup bag as I heard the shower turn off. He opened the curtain and reached for a towel. I couldn't help but stare at his magnificent cock standing at full attention.

I couldn't believe after last night and this morning he could still get hard. I dropped one of my brushes on the floor as he stepped out of the shower. I bent over to pick it up and I felt him press himself firmly against my ass and grab my hips. Oh My. He felt so hard against me.

I felt his hands slowly working my dress up until it was well over my ass. He smiled and asked if I did this on purpose. I started to rise and said no, it was an accident. I felt his cock slip between my legs as I completely stood up into him. He wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck. I told him I was all clean and that I had a long plane ride home. He smirked at me through the mirror and started kissing my neck and thrusting his cock gently between my legs. I asked him how it was possible that he was still hard.

He said the red dress got him going again, and what happened last night was amazing. He said it was all my fault and said I needed to take care of it. I tried to act disinterested but my body was betraying me. I heard my phone buzz and thought of my husband. As much as I wanted to pull away, I couldn't find the strength. His words and breath on my ear, his rock hard naked body pressed up against me, and his cock gently sawing against my panty covered pussy was driving me crazy. I started melting into his arms and gently pushing my ass back to match his thrusts.

He whispered he wasn't done with me yet as I felt his strong hand on the back of my shoulder. He was pushing my shoulder forward and pulling my hips back towards him all at the same time. Once I started to bend forward, he let go of my shoulder. He knew he had captured me, and where was I going to go anyways. He had me pinned between his naked body and the counter. I put my hands on the sink as I felt my dress being draped over my back and his fingers pulling the crotch of my panties over to the side. His cock was just slapping against my pussy as he thrust towards me. He bent over and told me to grab his cock and guide it into me. I spread my legs farther apart, grabbed the base of his hard cock and placed it at the entrance to my pussy.

I felt the tip of his cock trying to part my lips. I still had the base in my hand and as he pulled back I started rubbing the tip up and down my pussy. It was like someone else was guiding my hand. I could have just jacked him off or sucked him, but I willingly bent forward and I was rubbing my juices all over the tip of his cock so he could penetrate me with it. Once he felt that he had enough lubrication, he started thrusting forward again. I held it tightly against my opening as I felt my muscles give way and the head slowly enter me. I started pushing back against him as he would thrust forward.

I swear I felt every inch of his cock slide into me as he stretched me wide open. Unlike before, I felt the tip of his cock press against my cervix but I never felt his pelvis against my ass. He pressed a little harder and I felt a sharp pain. I told him to be careful and he said he would. Once I was completely impaled, he started thrusting into me. We started getting into a rhythm and I came faster and harder than I ever had. It was like a steam roller crashing over my body. He just held me there as I thrashed around.

As soon as I recovered I felt him start moving again. I could feel the tip of his cock press against me every time he bottomed out, then he would withdraw and do it again. Each time the pain was lessening. As I started building up again, I turned my head over to look in the mirror on the wall. The sight was beautiful. I could see my ass up in the air, his hands gripping my soft skin, his ass cheeks flex every time he would thrust forward, and the expression on his face. I was admiring the view as I was getting closer to another orgasm when something caught my eye.

There was my pink diaphragm case, mere inches from my hand. Inside the case was the one thing that could save my husband from the humiliation of raising another mans child. I reached out with my hand and grabbed the case. I asked Larry to stop for just a minute. I opened the case, grabbed my phone, snapped a picture of the case with the diaphragm still inside, and the view of Larry behind me with his cock inside me in the mirror behind it and sent it to my husband. I put the phone down and right on cue, Larry picked up the pace.

I felt him getting harder as the pace got faster. Pretty soon all the pain disappeared in my abdomen and I was pushing back with all my might. I felt him tense up as his grip on my hips tightened.

I looked into the mirror and said "Cum Baby, Do it. Slam it all the way in and cum inside my bare unprotected pussy. Send me home with your baby growing inside me". I felt his slam as hard as he could. I felt the tip of his cock hit my cervix like a bettering ram. Once he bottomed out, he didn't stop pushing either. I hadn't felt him release his cum yet, but I knew it was there.

Then I felt a little pain as I felt his cock move just slightly further inside me. It was like something had opened up inside me and given him more room to move forward. As soon as I felt the head penetrate my cervix, I felt his cock expand, then I actually felt the tip of his cock expand as the first jet of cum, and of course millions of sperm, shot directly into my uterus. Instead of thrusting into me, he just stayed still. His grip like steel on my hips making sure I couldn't get away. Instead of trying to get away, I arched my back a little and pushed myself even harder onto his cock.

I wanted to feel his pelvis against my ass. I felt my cervix expand and even more of his cock was now lodged inside my womb just as the second jet pushed through the tip of his cock. I could feel it as his cock expanded. I arched a little more, and just as I started to push back I felt his hands pull my hips back as I felt his cock pass farther into my womb. Just like before, I felt the tip expand and shoot his third load of sperm directly into my womb. I didn't know how many more he had left or if I could even get more inside me, but I was determined to try. I arched again, and pressing hard against the counter, and with a little assistance from him, I felt his cock head slide a little further until I felt it.

I felt his pelvis against my ass and the tip completely fill my womb. my cervix was now closed around the valley behind his cock head. I had him and his sperm trapped inside me. Just as that happened, I felt 3 more pulses from his cock. I didn't think he had much more left. I felt him shudder behind me and inside me. I had never felt so full in my life. I had never taken anyone so deep inside me before. I looked at the open case next to my hand and thought, even if it were inside me, he would have ripped right through it. A wicked thought past through my mind as I thought about what we will have to try next time we are together. I felt one more spurt, and I felt him slump a little. My turn I thought.

I started gently wiggling my ass and just thrusting very gently back against him. My ass was completely pressed against him, but I could wiggle it still. I could feel my cervix beginning to close tighter against his cock as he started to go down. He went down a little bit, but then stopped shrinking. I gave him a naughty look and he started thrusting ever so slightly inside me. I asked him if he thought he had one more round in him. His cock tip never left my cervix. It was a slow motion fuck as my cervix kept a tight hold of his cock tip deep inside my womb until I felt him tense up and spurt jet after jet directly inside me again.

I couldn't do anything to keep him hard after that. I knew I had Millions of little sperm deep inside my womb. I knew I hadn't ovulated yet, but I would be and they would be there waiting for it. He started pulling back but I could feel my cervix holding on to the tip of his cock. He finally pulled out of my womb and then completely out of me. The tip of his cock was beat red and I could see a little impression of my cervix on the ring. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

He asked if he thought he did the deed, and I said I'm pretty sure. I told him I hadn't ovulated yet, but it would probably happen later today. He said he didn't want me to lose any of his sperm on the way home. I told him I had an idea. I grabbed the diaphragm, put one leg on the counter, and inserted it up to my cervix. I pulled my panties back in place and straightened up my dress. I kissed him as I let him out the door.

I had his number and he had mine. Maybe on my next trip I would see him again. I might be showing by then, but we can still have some fun. I grabbed my bags and headed down the hall. As I entered the elevator, I looked at my phone.

My husband had shot a load twice as large as I had ever seen all over his stomach. I laughed and commented. He said he came from that picture, but couldn't stop. He came 3 times in the last 20 minutes. I said Larry had filled me twice in the same amount of time. I sent him a kiss and said I would see him soon.

I boarded the plane with a glow. I found my seat with my friend. She looked like she was glowing to. I asked if she had a good trip, and all she could do was smile. I rubbed my tummy as I felt a slight pain on my right side. She asked if I was alright. I said yes, but I think I just ovulated.

She and I chatted the whole plane ride home. Nothing about our excursions, but deep down I could picture my poor little helpless egg being overtaken by Larry's powerful sperm. I didn't leak a drop thanks to the diaphragm being inside me. I exited the plane and drove home.

My husband John was waiting for me when I opened the door. I was a little nervous, but when he grabbed me and hugged me, I knew it was going to be ok. That's when I felt a pain in my left side. It was just like the one from earlier. He asked if I was alright. I said yes, but I think I just ovulated. He was beaming.

We sat down and I told him everything, even him lodging the head of his cock in my womb and cumming twice inside me. I was stroking his cock and as he would get close, I would stop, then start again. I also told him I had my diaphragm in right now to keep as much of his sperm inside me as possible. At this point I was worked up.

I hiked up my dress, pulled my panties to the side, then straddled my husband. I felt his cock slide easily into me. Once I was bottomed out, I whispered in his ear that I had already ovulated once on the plane, and that I think I may have released 2 eggs this month. I told him that there were millions of sperm trapped inside my womb right now, and that both of those eggs would be fertilized while his cock was inside me. He asked if he would have a shot, and I said, even if I took out my diaphragm, Larry shot millions of sperm deeper than you or anyone else had ever shot inside me. I have never had a cock wedge itself inside my womb and felt my cervix close around it, trapping everything inside me.

I will take the diaphragm out and let you try, but you probably won't succeed. With that I raised off of him, spread my legs, and pulled it out of me. One side was clean, the other was covered in white sticky stuff. I sat back down on my husbands cock, told him give it his best shot, as I felt spurt after spurt spray my cervix.

The End

Musim Panas di Los Angeles - 3

  Ketika keluar dari kamar Jeanne, aku mencium wangi makanan. Sepertinya Jeanne membuat nasi goreng dan oseng-oseng ayam dan udang dengan sa...